October 29 2014

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Today was an okay day. Nothing bad happened, I just really miss Andy. Like crazy. I didn't get a hug yesterday, so I haven't hugged him since Monday. I'm having some serious "hug withdrawals." XD Seriously though, I really was missing him today. I usually see him in the mornings, but he wasn't early.

I could seriously kiss him tomorrow I miss him so much. But I really also always want to kiss him, so... Yeah. I could definitely tell that it made me sad, almost. I wasn't trying to be, but I was. I'm addicted to him, and I need to take this down A LITTLE BIT. But crap, I sure do love him.

One thing I'm worried about, though, is about him and the slug bug, or punch buggy game. We play it, and he usually sees all of them. Well, most of them. I know he doesn't mean to punch me hard, but it still hurts. Just a little. But since I bruise easily, well, I don't know how to tell him that he's hurting me seriously.

I'm going to try tomorrow, but... I'm still worried. I don't know how he'll react. I don't want him to laugh that I'm such a weakling, but I don't want him to feel bad either. Either way, I need to tell him we can't play that anymore unless he's going to be gentile. I'm sure it'll be okay. I can't wait to see him tomorrow. I miss him like crazy.

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