November 11 2014

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Yesterday was just... wow. I didn't have school today, because it's veteran's day, but I was doing homework all. Day. Long. I missed Andy today, but I'm going to see him tomorrow, so it's good. BUT YESTERDAY. WHOA. We went to the stairs at the bank again, and we hung out for a couple of minutes. I don't think we can use the "we haven't made out or anything" excuse anymore. He kissed me on the forehead first. I loved that. I just sat close to him and kind of cuddle hug or whatever you want to call it on the side while holding his bicep. Idk. Anyways, he kissed my forehead. Um, yes please! After a few I decided to kiss him back of that little freckle on his left cheekbone. I love it. It's not super noticeable but I like it. I kissed his cheekbone, then his cheek, then close to the corner of his lips. He didn't move until I hesitated to kiss his lips, so he turned and caught my lips on his instead. We were sitting side by side, which made the angle kind of difficult. So I sat on his lap. We kissed... it was the first time there was tongue. Of course, since I don't know how to do anything, it was a little intimidating. I wanted to react, but I didn't know how. In order for me to learn, we just need to take it real slow, I think. I'm still too new at all of this to be comfortable with it. I'm comfortable with him, but I suck at everything else. I apologized to him, saying, "I'm not good at this..."

He just rocked me on his lap and said that I am still a baby. I could only agree with him.

It turns out that some people saw us from Friday though. They were in his Spanish class, and they said to him that, "they saw him hugging his girlfriend sexually." Apparently even the teacher was getting a kick out of it. I'm not sure what to think about that. Because it seems like now people know... but we're not really together. I wish we could just make it official already. Like on snap chat today, I told him that he's mine. I can't remember exactly what he said, but it was basically him saying okay. So I replied, "BUAHAHAH I IZ A SINGLE LADY!"
His immediate response was, "No you aren't girl. You're fucking mine." I liked it when he said that. Not necessarily the curse word, but when he claimed me. I like it when he makes me feel loved. And wanted.

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