November 30 2014

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Yesterday I screwed up. Like really bad. Sort of. I told him not to come over, but he did anyways. I started my period and he insisted on bringing me chocolate. It was so sweet of him. It's just that when he got to my house, mom wasn't home... the rest is pretty easy to put together. When he got here, he rang the doorbell. Riley answered the door, and he said, "Seriously?"
I invited Andy inside, and he went to the bathroom while I got him some water. He left his scooter on the front porch. I had just gotten out of the shower, so my hair was all wet, arms I was wearing my 'WHO DAT' pajama booty shorts. After Andy drank his water, we sat down on the couch next to each other. At first we were just sitting. Then we were kissing, and I was leaning against him and we were holding hands and touching. I was rubbing his thigh and he was cupping my left breast in his hand. Riley was there. I don't know how much he saw, but I feel really awful about it. It's not fair for me to put him in that situation, and I never will again. We did this until my mom's friend came to pick Riley up.
I think the moment she showed up at the front door she knew that Andy was here. He left his scooter on the front porch. Riley told Andy to hide in the pantry- I don't know why he listened to his honestly. But when Riley left I shut and locked the door behind them and then opened the door to the pantry.
He came out, put his hands on my hips and hug-walked me to the back of the small couch so my butt was pressed against it. We stood there for a second until he bent down and trailed his hands down the backs of my legs, picking me up. The way he held me made my wrap my legs around him, and he set me down on the couch adjacent to the latter. Then he began to kiss me.
He pulled away and asked, "Do you mind?" I said no before I even knew what he was asking.
Then he pulled my shirt up. He looked down at my chest as he slowly hooked his fingers inside of the front of the cups of my bra and pulled down slowly, exposing me. He looked back up at me one more time before taking my nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking it until it was hard. He kissed my skin as he turned his head and went to my right nipple. His eyes closed as he took it in between his lips and then sucked and licked and kissed. He looked at me with half lidded eyes as he bit my nipple and pulled, letting it slide out of his mouth as he pulled away.
Then he looked down, gently and tenderly slipped my breasts back into the cups of my bra, and met my lips again. My legs were open, hanging off of the couch he pushed himself further onto me and closer to me while kissing me deeper. We finally stopped when I sat up and told him that he should probably leave. I didn't want him to, but I knew he probably should and that people would probably already know anyways. We walked to the door and we hugged and kissed goodbye, and he left.
I watched him as he rolled down the street on his scooter, hand in the air as a goodbye. I closed and locked the door when I couldn't see him anymore.
I took my chocolate upstairs and sat in my room, but as soon as I sat down on my bed there was a hurried knock on my door. I ran down the stairs and answered the door. When I opened the door, he said, "I can't leave." Then he kissed me. We kissed until my dad turned around the corner onto the street and pulled up into the driveway. Andy and I separated so quickly it was almost funny.
Dad came out and casually pulled out a cigar- which was new, because he typically only smoked cigarettes- and had a talk with us. He gave Andy the option to stay with me- alone- for an extra hour. The only condition was that we have to be working on schoolwork and be productive. After dad left we went back inside and sat down at the kitchen table where I began to work. But it wasn't moments later that he opened up to me about his life- and his troubling past. He told me about how he was raised by his aunt and uncle, but how he didn't know it until he was older.
The more he talked the more I watched his eyes water and sparkle, and he broke down when he said, "I don't know what it's like to have real parents," and buried his hands in his hands. I moved over and pulled him out of the chair and into a hug. As we hugged, he said, "I know it's early to be saying this, but your dad seems really cool. I'd want him as a dad." During the hug I thought about everything that he had told me. About the turbulent relationship he has with his mom because she was physically and emotionally abusive, and about his father's schizophrenia. And it sounded pretty awful.
During the hug, I told him, "I'm sorry you aren't what your mother wanted... but you're everything I want." I hugged him tighter as I said this. After the hug, I went over and tried to crack his back. I actually got some pretty good snaps out of it. After I cracked his back, I pressed myself onto his back as he laid on the floor and hugged him. He turned, then sat up and I fell onto his lap and he was kissing me. After a couple of minutes of this, I asked him, "How is that even comfortable?" And began to sit up. I pushed him on his back and kept my chest on his as I kissed him, legs folded beneath me to the right.
He commented, "your legs are awkwardly to the side..." or something like that. I know he just wanted me to straddle him. So is did. I threw my leg over him and sat down on him. I didn't know it at the time, but I liked being in top. I kissed him and bit his lip as he lightly moved his pelvis, moving me, while causing friction.
I kissed him deeply, and put as much passion into it as I could, and we moved in perfect synchronization. As we explored the feeling of each other's bodies, his hands crept up the backs of my legs to by butt, and he began to squeeze. When he got too close, I began to pull his hands away and hold his fingers in my palms and I said, "You're aware I'm on my period, right?"
For a moment he had looked embarrassed that he had forgotten. After making sure that there was no messes, he kissed me back onto my back, my wet hair soaking into the carpet. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him even closer into myself. He was so hard I could feel him through my pad and his clothes. I wrapped my legs around him even tighter, and he began to kiss my neck and put his face in my hair, cleavage, and anywhere else he could think of. I ran my fingers through his thick black hair and ran my hands down his back while feeling his tense muscles through his shirt as he got into a motion. We were fully clothed, but I could feel everything. We were both laughing; sighs and pleasured vibrations escaped our lips as we explored each other's bodies, him feeling my body everywhere, but especially my breasts and kissing me in every place possible.
When it got to be too much for me to handle, I choked his name out in a moan, causing him to come back to reality and out of his euphoria and laugh a wheezy and embarrassed laugh. I would rub his back up and down while feeling his body against mine while saying, "Calm it... calm it..." over and over again in the most soothing voice that I have.
Then we got up and walked back up to the kitchen where we made out next to the desk. We kissed, attacking each other's lips and necks with every muscle underneath our noses. He kept telling me, "You're natural," and "You're good," while pressing himself against me. I pushed and kissed and licked back. And we did this until mom and dad got home. Then dad gave him a ride home.
I can't wait to see him tomorrow. I love him so frigg'n much.

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