Chapter 1

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Draco lay on his back staring up at the piece of wood that framed his bed. It was a beautiful brown color. Every time he saw such a color, he was reminded of her. Her big brown eyes that were usually filled with anger when she looked at him. Her brown curly hair bouncing in frustration as she stomped away from him.

Draco Malfoy was in love with Hermione Granger, but that didn't mean he was free to feel the things he did.


"Good morning, my love!" Pansy's shrill voice filled his ears. Draco had groggily stumbled down the steps to get to the common room.

"Get away, Pansy," he brushed her off.

"But I only want to be with you, Draco," she pouted annoyingly.

"Please leave," Draco pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"But what if I told you that I heard that Gryffindor hag and her little friends talking about you."

His ears shot up at the sound of Granger talking about him, "What were they saying?"

"From how it sounded, they were trying to accuse you of what happened to that girl when we went to Hogsmeade," Pansy replied absentmindedly.

"I've got to go," Draco stormed out of the common room and down the maze-like halls of the Hogwarts castle

She's on to me and she's in danger, he thought as his feet stopped in front of an empty wall.

The Room of Requirement revealed itself to Draco. He entered the cluttered room that contained everything from a feather to a forbidden knowledge.

He stopped in front of a tall figure covered with a white cloth. Draco removed it with a single hand. Underneath was the Vanishing Cabinet.

He grabbed a green apple from a nearby table. It seemed ripe, freshly picked. Draco looked at its waxy exterior and was met with his own silver eyes, distorted.

He placed the apple in the center of the cabinet, closed the door and paused for a second, hoping that it would work.

The cabinet opened and the apple was gone.

He closed and opened it again to find the apple returned with a bite in it.


"Honestly Ron, how much are you going to eat?" Hermione chastised.

"What? I'm hungry, I can't help it!" Ron looked at the brunette and scowled.

She rolled her eyes at the boy who continued to stuff his mouth and returned to studying for her test. Her eyes darted up and noticed her other friend staring into space.

"Harry, we have a test today! Stop wasting your time on stupid things," Hermione regretted saying it as soon as the words were out of her mouth. Harry had been so worked up about Voldemort and how suspicious Malfoy was acting and the Katie Bell incident as well, that saying that just sounded terribly harsh.

If Malfoy was up to something that involved Voldemort, which Hermione highly doubted, it would really set Harry off. A horrifying thought dawned on her, what if Malfoy had become a Death Eater?

She brushed the thought aside and took a look at her two best friends. Both lost in their own worlds. Ever since their lives became more than normal, Hermione had felt the gap between them growing. Every mention of Voldemort's name, every sign of danger drew them further and further apart.

Her thoughts were interrupted as a black haired girl walked into the dining hall, "Harry, there's Katie!" Hermione notified her friend.

He got up and walked up to her, but before he could say anything, she said, "I know what you're going to say Harry, but no I don't know who cursed me."

Just then, Malfoy walked into the hall. His eyes darted between Harry and Katie. A look of pure guilt flashed across his tired face. His hair was unusually tousled, his eyes looked sullen as if he hadn't slept for days.

Draco looked at Hermione for a split second and she knew he was at fault. The boy backed away, his grey eyes still trained on Harry. He stumbled out of the dining hall.

Harry glared in his direction and went after him.

Hermione snapped her book shut and caught up to him, grabbing his arm to stop him, "Harry, wait! I'll go, he seems troubled. I'll go."

He grunted in frustration and went back to the Great Hall.

Hermione sighed and walked on. As she followed his path, she soon realized that Malfoy was headed for the men's loo. I can't go in there, she said to herself. Hermione considered what was at stake. There was a possibility that Malfoy was a Death Eater and even more of a chance that he had something to do with Voldemort, despite what she wanted to believe.

She pulled herself together and walked into the uncharted territory.

Malfoy stood in front of the mirror, looking at his reflection with disgust, his hands clutching the sink as if it was his only balance. His already tousled white hair fell onto his face, displaced on his forehead.

The usually smug boy started sobbing. The sounds leaving his throat were pained, short and crushing. Draco splashed his face with water, looking into the sink. His eyes focused on Hermione's reflection behind him.

The grey eyes went from sullen to stone cold.

"What are you doing here, Granger?"

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