Chapter 21

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There was someone there last night. I heard them outside, there was a bit of rumbling and whispers. When I realized that someone could be after me, I had packed up and left the room. As I was passing by, I saw the hallway was blocked with vines on one end and there was a shadow hiding behind the pillars. I caught a glimpse of long, wavy brown hair and immediately thought of Hermione. But I knew it couldn't be her, she hated me and would never help me.
It was after classes and it was time for me to complete my task. I glanced at the watch on my wrist and saw it was exactly 7:23 p.m. I told them to be ready at 8:00. I had a little more than half an hour to get prepared. As I trudged down the hallway, I looked around at the school that would soon be destroyed. I remembered the adventures I had had with my friends, getting them out of their shenanigans and setting up my own. When I got to the room, I stared at the mahogany closet and remembered Hermione. Her hair was the same color. The hair that smelled like roses. Her eyes that looked like a whirlpool of chocolate. And her smile that could light up the room like the way she lit up my heart.
I couldn't do anything to save her now, she didn't want to leave.
She chose this Draco.
But I can't leave her alone to die.
It's either loose yourself and your family or loose her.
I want both, I need both.
You have to chose.
No I don't, I can try to protect her during the battle and that is what I will do.
Life is cruel. It gives you such a hard life and forces you to do horrible things.
Then it dangles a tempting carrot in front of you and let's you keep it for a little and then it snatches it away from you until you do another horrible thing. At least, that's what life is like for me. And it really sucks, I can't bear the thought of losing Hermione. I have to keep her safe and let her live her life.
A life that's safe and that wouldn't happen with me around. I had to save her and then let her go.
I had to love her enough to let her go.
I gulped and remembered her face one last time before checking my watch.
8:00 p.m.
I chanted the incantation and opened the door to the closet and met the familiar face.
It smiled and whispered in its cold, icy, ladylike voice,
"Hello, Draco."

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