Chapter 12

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I woke up the next day to find myself sleeping on my assignments.
"Hey Sleepy Head." I heard from behind me. "Who are you?" I yawned.
"Oh, that's right. Um, I'm Savannah McColough. I'm kinda your new room mate." She smiled.
"Oh well, um I'm Hermione Granger. Nice to meet you." I stood up and shook her hand. Savannah McColough was around my height maybe half an inch taller, but not much difference. She had wavy brown hair and striking green eyes. She had a feel about her that was smart and daring and just simply nice.
"Nice to meet you too Hermione." She replied.
I noticed that we were the only ones in the dorm,"Hey, where is everyone?"
"Oh they left to do some stuff. I don't know what, but they did leave. It is Saturday of course."
"Yeah... I guess I'll just stay here and finish up my work." I sighed.
"Well, you know there is a Hogsmeade trip leaving a bit later in the afternoon. Maybe if I helped you, we could make it there. We could get to know each other better."
"That's the best idea I've heard in a VERY long time." I smiled and we got to work.
4 hours later(2:00pm)...
"Ahhh... we finally finished!" Savannah sighed.
"Yes we did! Let's go get ready for Hogsmeade." I chuckled.
"We have an hour before the bus leaves, maybe you could show me around after we get ready.
I nodded and we picked out our outfits. Since it was winter, we had to dress in something warm. I decided to put a heating charm on me and wore just a white shirt, pink jacket, and my blue jeans. Savannah came out of the bathroom wearing ripped jeans, a blue cut sleeves shirt, and a maroon beanie.
"Did you put a heating charm on?" I asked.
"I'm not THAT stupid." She smirked.
We walked out of the dorms and just stepped outside of the portrait hole when we both bumped into two boys.
"Oh sorry guys, we didn't see where we were going." Savannah rambled as she got up and helped the boys collect their stuff. I got up and helped too. One of the boys and I grabbed the same book and I looked up and saw it was him. We got up and looked at each other for who knows how long. His stormy eyes were filled with clouds of anger and rivers of sadness. "Sorry Granger, but I have to go." He muttered.
"Griff, finish up. I'll be waiting at the library." Draco said to the other boy.
Savannah and the boy were still picking up the stuff he had dropped.
"What's all this for?" Savannah asked.
"Oh this? This is for Draco's make up work. I'm kinda new here and Draco was the only one who helped me get settled. Oh- I'm Griffin Quinn by the way." He extended his hand out. I watched as Savannah gazed into his blue eyes and he gazed into her green ones.
"Um, I think we should go." Savannah finally said.
When Griffin was out of sight, I stopped Savannah,"You like him!"
"What? No I don't." She quickly stuttered.
"Yeah you do."
"No I don't"
"Yeees you DOOO."
"Oh yeah and you like that Draco kid. Don't tell me you don't cause I know a connection when I see when."
I stopped talking and walked faster.
"Hermione! Hold up!" She caught up to me pretty fast.
"What happend? You okay?" She asked.
I nodded,"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that we only have 15 minutes left before the bus pulls out."
Savannah's eyes widened and she ran as fast as she could to the line. I quickly followed.
By the time we got on the bus, it was 30 minutes behind schedule.
Savannah and I found seats in the back.
"So? Who is he? What back story do you two share? I want the details. And in case you're worried about me telling. I won't tell even if anyone Crucio'ed me."
I hesitated, but started. I felt like she would keep my secrets.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy." I started.

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