Chapter 9

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He wasn't a bad person at all, in any way. I thought about the horrid things he told me happened in his home. That must be horrifying. I can't imagine having your home turned into a total torture chamber. I know that Hogwarts was my sanctuary, but lately I just want to curl into a ball and cry. "Hermione?" Draco mumbled as I realized my arms were still around his waist. Pulling away, I felt my cheeks heat up. Draco rubbed the back of his head.
A few hours later...
Draco was telling me some great stories about when Crabbe and Goyle got trapped inside the girls' loo when they tried to set up a prank for the girls. Draco said that he had to get them out and Professor McGonagall almost caught them. As I was listening, I remembered when Harry and Ron used to set up these hijinks and I would have to get them out of trouble every time.
Before I knew it, I felt hot tears slowly making there way down my face. "Hey. Don't cry. What happened? Did I say something?" Draco asked worriedly.
"No, I'm not okay. It wasn't anything you said Draco. It's just that I miss Harry and Ron. MY Harry and Ron. The ones that were my friends till 4th year. I want to tell you something. Ever since 5th year started I feel like I'm nothing. Well, that started in 1st year when you and your gang started to tease my being a mudblood. But when my friends started to ignore me, I felt like there is no point in trying to be anything but smart. That was the only reason I felt anyone loved me. The reason I spend so much time reading is because books can carry me to another world. I can escape my world and surroundings. I can stop feeling like nothi-" I was interrupted as a certain pair of lips crashed down on mine. They were strong but gentle. It was short, but sweet. It was...nice.
I slowly opened my damp eyes and lifted them to look at Draco's molten silver eyes. The eyes were happy and sad all at the same time. It was magical, it was amazing, it was Draco Malfoy.
I couldn't bear to hear Hermione go on and on about how bad she felt about herself, so I did what no sane lover would do. I kissed her. Boy was it something. Sure it didn't last very long, but it was sweet.
Thirty minutes of silence and lots of staring later...

Hermione and I curled into the bed and  I refrained myself from holding her again. "Draco?" Hermione's voice rang. "Yes, Hermione?" I answered. "Could you please hold me? I'm scared..." she pleaded. I smiled and happily obliged. I slithered my arms around her tiny waist and pulled her towards my chest and we slowly drifted off to sleep.

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