Chapter 18

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As soon as I turned the corner, I broke out running. Tears started to blur my vision. I ran away from her. I ran to a place I hadn't planned on going to. I ran into the Reflective Room and let myself break down. I couldn't do this.
I couldn't betray Hermione. I knew that I already lost her trust and her love and anything she ever felt for me. I felt my knees give way as I fell on the floor. I started to sob. I had lost everything.
My tears fell to the floor. I opened my eyes and saw the Mirror again. Broken, shattered and destroyed. I said so many horrible things to Granger. I need to apologize, but sorry wouldn't cut it. I needed to ask her to believe in me, to trust in me.
I looked at the shards of the mirror. I picked one up and gazed into it. Instead of seeing my distorted reflection, I saw Hermione staring back. Her beautifully carved features, more beautiful than ever. The stupid mirror still worked even if it was broken. Kind of like true love. Even when the bond was broken, it would still be there.
I found the way I could apologize to her. I carefully gathered a few big shards and strides out of the room, heading for my common room.
I was in my bed. My eyes were dried out. I didn't want to waste anymore tears on that traitor. I tried to help him, but he just couldn't be helped.
"Oh my gosh, Hermione?" Savannah entered the room, "What happened? Why are you crying?" She sat next to me.
"I tried, Vanna. I tried so hard to talk to him. He wouldn't listen." I whimpered.
"Oh, it's okay. You'll get through this. If he can't listen to you, then he isn't worth it." She hugged me. And I felt like crying, but the tears wouldn't come out.
"Mione? Are you okay?" Ginny walked in. She sat down on the other side.
Savannah scowled, "No, she isn't. Can't you see that. You would've known why if you hadn't abandoned her for your boyfriend."
"I don't have a boyfriend and who are you?" She scoffed.
"I'm Savannah and I've been in this dorm for 2 days."
"Well, let's set our differences aside and figure this out. What the heck happened to Mione?" She resolved.
Savannah explained my situation to her.
"Draco Malfoy?! And you?!" Ginny squealed at the end.
"I kinda ship it. Dramione... has a nice ring to it, no?" Vanna laughed.
"I'm not saying I don't like it, but I'm scared. Wasn't he involved with the Katy incident?" Ginny questioned.
"Yeah he was. But I didn't find him as bad, until he told me what he was going to do." I croaked.
"Mione? Is he going to do something that we should know about?" Ginny's eyes widened. I realized I said too much. Oh well, it's not like Ginny's going to tell Harry and Ron.
"No. Can you guys leave me alone now?" I groaned. They left and I went to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of an owl pecking at the window. I groggily got up and let it in. It flew in and landed on my bed and held out its foot. I untied the letter from its foot and gave it a treat and sent it off. I unfurled the letter and read it.
Dear Hermione,
I need to tell you something really important. Please meet me at the library half an hour after classes.
Thank you and I hope you come.
I sighed. Why did he have to do this to me?
I read the note one more time. "What?!" I realized that there were classes and I was already 10 minutes late. I quickly dressed in my uniform and literally flew out of the dorms.
I can't believe I slept through the entire afternoon and night and morning.
I had potions and I was really late. I climbed the stairs to the dungeons.
When I walked into the class, everyone's heads turned in my direction. I felt heat rush to my cheeks.
"Ms. Granger, sleeping in are we? That's 20 points from Gryffindor. You may take your seat now." Slughorn said disappointedly. I groaned and trudged up to my seat next to the traitor.
"Today class, we will be making..." Slughorn started.
After classes...
I had stayed up the entire night working on the present for her. I decided to make a matching one for me too. I made hers silver with emeralds and mine gold with rubies. After potions, I sprinted to the library to get there before she arrived. Last night, I had also written a letter for her and put it inside the present. I really hope she came because then I would be able to tell her everything. I went to our spot and waited.
After classes, I didn't know if I should meet him or not. He had hurt me enough and I couldn't let him apologize for whatever task he was about to do.
I resolved to not meet him, enough was enough and I needed to let go.
The common room was empty as usual, but when I got to my dormitory I saw that the room wasn't empty. Parvati, Ginny and Savannah were sitting in a circle and helping each other with their homework.
"Mione?! Come sit! We're doing our homework together!" Ginny said.
I sat down and emptied my pack,
"Let's do this!"
I waited. I waited for her to come. I waited for another chance...another opportunity, but it seems that life decided that I had had enough chances.
She didn't come. I dejectedly trudged out of the library wearing my own creation in one hand and clutching the small velvet box in which Hermione's present rested.
I had a hard time sleeping that night.
Too many painful thoughts circled my brain. I still didn't know what to do and I was running out of time.

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