Chapter 22

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She stepped out of the closet with three more Death Eaters behind her and they kept on appearing in the closet until there were maybe 2 dozen.
They formed a circle around me.
"It's been so long nephew!" She shrilled, "You still remember your Aunty Bella, don't you?!"
I nodded.
"And I hope you remember the task that was assigned to you because I don't. Can you remind me?"
"Kill Dumbledore."
"Or else?"
I was planning on heading to bed after my endeavor, but I ended up going to the library instead.
I had too much on my mind and needed to go to another world.
I picked up a book and began to read and felt myself slowly drift off to sleep.
Bellatrix had divided the group into sections. 5 were to head to the Ravenclaw area, 5 to the Gryffindor, 5 to the Slytherin(to try and recruit some students), 5 to the Hufflepuff, and 5 to go and get Dumbledore.
"A special guest will be joining us later." Bella cackled.
I knew exactly who it was.

In a mere 5 minutes the castle was in chaos. Spells were fired by surprised students trying to remember what they learned in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, teachers in their sleeping gowns, and cackling Death Eaters.
Many of the fighters were shocked to see me trailing behind Bellatrix Lestrange and attacked me.
They called me a traitor and many horrible names. Spells flew at me left and right, but I didn't care, I was after Hermione and she was what mattered.
I looked for her flowing brown hair and spotted it a long distance back.
I was about to call out her name when a body slammed into me.
"YOU TRAITOR! I KNEW WE SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED YOU!" Cormac McLaggen had pinned me against the wall with his wand against my throat.
"Listen McLaggen, let's make this easier for the both of us. We both know that you couldn't possibly kill me and that I could severely hurt you, but I won't if you let me go." I said calmly.
"Why should I trust you? You're a Death Eater! And how do you know that I won't kill you? You wanna try me?!" He growled.
I raised my eyebrows as he raised his wand and started to say those unforgivable words, "Avada Ked-"
"Stupify!" A voice yelled. There was a flash and a thud as McLaggen landed on the floor.
"Sorry McLaggen, but he's all mine." Hermione said.
"Hermione, oh thank god." I sighed and went in for a hug, but was stopped by her wand.
"Don't. I will not hesitate to hurt you." She said.
"Hermione, I love you okay. And I know you love me too, otherwise why would you save me?"
"Love is a very strong word, Malfoy and I saved you to finish you off myself."
I raised my eyebrows.
"I'm serious. You betrayed me! Even if I did love you, it would all have been gone by now because you betrayed me!!"
"I'm sorry, Hermione. I really am!
You have to let me go, for your own sake!"
"No, Draco. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do!"
"So am I..." I whispered.
I took my forefinger and my middle finger and put pressure on the pressure point on her neck. She passed out and I carried her bridal style into an empty classroom and locked it.
I woke up in a strange room and slowly remembered what had happened.
I fought with Draco and then he knocked me out. He must have brought me here.
I glanced at my wrist watch and saw it was almost 11:00.
I sprinted to the door and whispered Alohamora. It didn't work. I tried over and over again and it didn't work.
"HELP!! SOMEONE!! HELP ME!!" I tried to scream. I needed to stop him.
I sat down on the floor and listened for footsteps. After a while, I heard something.
"We need to be at the astronomy tower." Said a voice .
"The boy's going to kill Dumbledore! We gotta see this!" Said another.
I let out a gasp and covered my mouth. Luckily the Death Eaters hadn't heard me, but I had heard them.
I had to get out of Draco and Dumbledore would be lost forever.

Mirror [EDITING]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora