Chapter six.

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First of all, my mind can't comprehend how much support I'm getting on this book. After three weeks we have reached one thousand reads... GUYS! You are so amazing and beautiful! I love each and everyone of my readers! 

Secondly, do you guys like authors notes? Should I start doing them more?

And Finally, I'm going to start dedicating chapters to commenters and voters! 

Love, atastofchocolate/ Megan Marie xoxo


Unable to control my eyes, I look up at her. Layla starts to snicker as she notices my presence and taps Eric on the shoulder.

He stares me down, holding direct eye contact the whole time, he holds it until I feel my blood boil with anger and my face burning red.

Anger that I will always refuse to act on.

Crossing his arms and rubbing his shoulders, he pretends to cry. I can't help but feel my eyes go watery. Stop being so sensitive, Maddie.

Most people would say to ignore them, that they are just words and nothing will happen. But those people aren't the ones who have the scars, the bruises and the fear that comes along with having Layla as an enemy.

The bell rings and I bolt home in the rain. The grey clouds swallow up the sky and the wind picks up, blowing through my thick blonde hair. The rain seeps through my jumper and causing the fabric to stick to my skin. Salty water leaks from my eyes as I realize that in a matter of minutes I must pretend everything's okay.

Standing on the porch, my hand grazes the front door.

Needing more time to feel alive and free, I wait for a few seconds, breathing in the fresh air and relaxing all my muscles. Hearing the birds sing as the clouds starts to clear, makes the world feel like some sort of Disney movie. A hidden beauty in everything I guess. It gives me hope for a brighter future away from all the teasing and bullying.

I finally open the door. Mums running around the kitchen frantically, bits of food flying everywhere with pots and pans clashing.

"No need to worry, dear. Your cooking could put Gordon Ramsay to shame!" Dad utters, sliding his hand around my mum's waist and kissing her lightly on the cheek.

Sliding my bag over the stair banister, I lean against the door frame and clear my throat.

 They don't notice.

"Harry, they will be here in ten minutes and dinner isn't even ready yet!" Mum shoves him out the way of the oven. When she opens it, a cloud of steam fills the kitchen and her arms start waving frantically.

"Who will be here?" I ask, hoping this time someone will notice.

"Mr and Mrs Oliver from down the road." Dad huffs, walking past and into the living room before slouching on the sofa and turning on Nothing to Declare on the TV.

"Maddie, set the table." Mum snaps again. I do as she asks straight away. There is no getting through to her when she's stressed. It just causes arguments.

Grabbing the knives and forks out the draw, I set the table neatly for four people but just as I'm about to head upstairs my mum shoves two more sets of cutlery into my hands.

"Oh no, you aren't getting out of this." I huff and set the table for six instead. "Shay is out with Mike tonight and you aren't staying in your room all night. You need to be sociable like a normal teenager."

There she goes with being normal.




What even is normal anyway? 

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