Chapter twenty.

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The world starts spinning in circles.

How could we do that? How could we let such a precious little girl out of sight like that?

It was so, so stupid.

I continue to run towards the huge oak tree she was last seen behind and to my luck she sits just behind it, her eyes red and puffy as she clenches on to her leg.

She isn't making any sound but is awake.

She's in shock.

I throw my ruck-sack to the ground hearing my belonging smash as they hit a large rock behind.

"It's okay, it's okay." I lower my voice to a soothing whisper before noticing the way her leg is bent.

No leg should ever bend that way. I try my best to hold back the gag.

I've never been good with these types of things.

"Jessie! I've found her!" I yell and within a matter of seconds he's here.

Jessie swings Lola over his shoulder while I hold her twisted leg up and we run towards the car.

She starts to cry now. The shock has most likely died down and the excruciating pain takes over. I sit in the back of the car with her as Jessie starts the engine and speeds off towards the hospital emergency room.

I go for my bag, there should be some pain killers in there. But when I reach for it under my feet, I realize it isn't there.

Letting out a grunt of annoyance I can't help but kick the front seat in rage and frustration. That bag had most of my belongings, my clothes, memories and house keys. How could I just forget it like that?

Jessie looks in the rear view mirror giving me a questionable look.

"Just my ruck-sack. We can go back for it tomorrow." I sigh, watching the world go by and hoping, just hoping that no one sees it and decides to take it.

Lola rests her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her.

"You'll be okay little one." I mumble giving her a kiss on the head.

By the time we've arrived at the hospital, Lola has almost drifted off into a sleep.

Jessie lifts her out of her car seat and rushes into the hospital, chucking the keys at me to lock the car.

I follow shortly after.

It doesn't take long to be seen by the nurse. Which isn't surprising as I doubt anyone wanted to mess with Jessie at this moment in time.

I sit in the waiting room, listening to the faint sound of the BBC news in the background and the hum of people talking.

Watching the small, out of date TV, I notice the top story of the day. There has been a massive rise in breast cancer and they urge women to be tested.

Those poor women, they are so strong to go through this and still come out fighting.

"Maddie! Look, I have a cast!" Lola comes hopping out on her small crutches with a bright pink cast on her leg. Jessie doesn't look very impressed.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing." He brushes off the frown and replaces it with a fake smile.

"You're staying with us tonight. I'll set up a bed for you in my art studio." I can tell by the tone in his voice that he isn't asking.

"You mean the attic?" I spit back, walking with them to the car.

"Art studio." He slams the car door shut before driving us all back to his house.

I think I'd rather be sleeping on a park bench.

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