UPDATE ON CHAPTERS (And chapter twenty four.)

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Okay so firstly I have had a few complaints about the size of my chapters, I'm not going to apologize for the short length because a few chapters ago I asked people what they wanted and most people said they didn't mind. However, I do realize the length is short and being a reader myself, I do know what it's like wanting to read more. 

I have had many exams recently but now I have a few weeks where everything is more chilled out. I will upload chapters twice the length however it will not be as often. 


  Jessie goes for the car keys in his grey jacket, however I clear my throat to get his attention.

"We will not be needing those." I hold out my hand waiting for him to hand them over. "Oh, you won't be needing your phone either." Jessie stares at me in pure shock.

I hope I'm not being too demanding.

You're not. Stop being so self-conscious.

He cautiously hands over his keys and phone before shoving his hands in his jean pockets.

Smiling, I walk on a head. First thing on the list: Find my ruck-sack. Then the fun can begin.

Walking side-by-side on the path running along the quiet road, the sun shining and birds singing, I can't help but feel something I haven't felt in a while and, when looking up at Jessie, I think he feels it too.

"It's nice." He mutters, "Not having to think about anything."

I don't reply but instead smile, a real smile.

As we approach the park, yesterday's events come flushing back. The simple game of hide and seek turning into an emergency trip to the hospital.

I know Jessie is thinking the same.

"She's alright you know."

Jessie stops, either not knowing what to say or blocking out my attempt at comforting words.

"Do you know where you left it?" He asks, "The bag."

"Behind on of the trees." I reply.

The next few minutes are filled with walking, walking and more walking. No conversation. Nothing. Just the whisper between the leaves of the trees and background humming of a lawnmower.

As the temperature drops, the cold air begins to bite at my skin. I fold my arms around my chest, holding in any body heat I have left.

"Found anything!?" I shout but Jessie replies with the same answer he did a few minutes ago, No.

The need for a nice warm cup of tea and a blanket is distracting my mind more and more from the real reason I want, no, need that bag so much.

Book, clothes, money, yes all that is important. But the thing that I want is time. Time from years ago, caught in a single moment. Time of happiness and a family stronger then earth itself. Without those pictures, I have nothing to look back on, nothing to smile or get embarrassed about.

It is not until I'm about to give up that I see a glance of something hidden behind a rock that my breath hitches.

This is it, this is it, this must be it.

"I've found it!!!" I yell from the top of my lungs as the sensation of relief takes over.

Jessie comes jogging over, finally smiling.

Opening the bag, I take out the photo album and hold it close to my heart.

"I didn't know it meant so much to you." He says.

"It means more than anything." I reply.

After a few minutes, we've reached the main road once again, the heat of the sun much preferred compared to the chill from being shaded my trees.

"What is next Miss Henderson?"

"Tea and cake I think, Mr Oliver." The corner of his mouth lifts a little, almost like he wants to smile but all that name can give him is sorrow.

I wonder if he thinks of his mother at the mention of her sur-name?

We enter a small coffee shop on a street corner. The heat smashing into our faces as we walk through the door. It's a little overwhelming.

Our eyes dash towards the cakes presented neatly in a glass cabinet.

"I want everything in here." I mumble.

"I'll try if you'll try." Jessie smirks.

"You'll eat everything?" I ask with a small giggle.

In the end, we order four cakes between the two of us. One chocolate slice, Victoria sponge, a nicely decorated cupcake with double ice cream and short-bread with two teas on the side.

"Do you think it will ever be possible for humans to devour all of this sugar without feeling tremendously sick after?" Jessie asks, shaking his glass of Cola causing the lumps of ice to make a chiming sound as they hit against the side.

"Ask me a few years ago and I would have said no." I reply.

"What changed your mind?"

"I watched Catching Fire. It's horrible how they make themselves throw up so they can fit in more food, but at the same time I can see why. Imagine having every single food you love in front of your face and knowing that you couldn't eat everything."

"Now that would-be hell."

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