Chapter eleven.

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I call this chapter "Procrastinating when I'm meant to be studying." 

Bad for me but Hey! You guys get another chapter! 

P.S: Do you like the new cover? It's only until I can find someone who can make a better one. My cover skills are crap haha.

/atasteofchocolate/Megan Marie. xoxo


"At least I can be bothered to get a job! We're struggling Ian, how can you just sit there watching Tv everyday knowing we are one month away from losing our house?!? Our family home!"

Throwing the duvet off my sweaty body, my breathing heavy and heart beating fast, I realise that it was only a nightmare.

However, the shouting coming from downstairs is very, very real.

"Stop Nagging, Maria! I will get a job when I'm ready!"

"Oh, when you're ready!? What about the rest of us!?!" My mum barks back.

Slowly standing up, I silently tip toe across the corridor into Shay's room.

I knock twice, genially on the door. "Shay? Are you in there?" A groan comes from inside.

Opening the door, my eyes scan across her autumnal room. Different kinds of oranges and burgundy's take over my eyes with cinnamon smelling candles blessing my senses.

Her black and normally perfect hair is all knotty as she sits up against her head board. I jump onto her deer bedding and sink into her foam mattress.

"Mum and dad are arguing again." I whisper, sitting cross-legged.

"What do you expect me to do about it?" She spits back. Her eyes still baggy and tired.

"Sorry." I sigh.

"No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I've been out all night trying to find Matts dog." Her voice is croaky as she mentions her long term boyfriend.

"He escaped again?" I ask and Shay nods in response. We sit in silence for a few seconds. Well, as close to silence as this house can get, our parents scream and shouts still howl in the background.

Maybe I should ask her about the party? She might be able to help. Either that or forbid me going.

"Um, Shay?" She raises her eyebrows, "I'm meant to be going to this par..."

"A PARTY?" She squeals. "I knew you would make some friends eventually! Oh, Maddie! This is great news we need to sort out what you are going to wear! You are going to make all the boys drool!" Her words are so fast they almost mush into one.

"Layla's hosting it."

Her eyes drop for a second. Shay knows all about Layla and hates thinking of me getting bullied but does nothing to stop it.

"That's a problem." She rolls her eyes letting out a huff. "But we can do it! You'll be unrecognisable."

"She only has to see a small blonde girl before she knows it's me." I utter before Shay can get too excited.

"Then how do you feel going back to your natural colour? I always thought you looked better with chocolate brown hair then blonde."

This just takes me back to nightmare Layla asking me if I'm trying to be more British then I am. My square like face shape I get from my mum, her high cheekbones and petite nose. However, my distinctive Asian eyes I've inherited from my dad – Who's the better looking of my parents.

"You don't think I'll be teased by that? Layla's already tipping down the racist rout." My voice hardly audible from embarrassment. Shay couldn't care less about what people think of her and I envy that.

"Ay, Maddie. Re-peat after me. "I'm proud of who I am.""

Taking a deep breath, I re-peat her words.

"There, just say them to yourself whenever she gets you down." I can't help the smile appearing on my face. "Let me get dressed and we will by some hair dye and a pretty little dress for later! Layla will wish she never messed with you!"

Hopping off her bed and back into my room, shouting still raging throughout the house, I can't help but feel the smallest hint of excitement.

Time to show Layla that I'm not some weak little girl.

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