Chapter fourteen.

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I would just like to say thank you to my amazing readers! We reached 5K Yesturday! Thank you so much! 

Also 7yearsofglory made me an incredible cover. Thank you lovely!!! 

Love atasteofchocolate/Megan Marie xoxo


I notice Betys hair is the same chocolate brown as mine, however hers has a tint of red on the ends. She looks stunning in her silver gown.

We sit in silence for a few seconds. People watching is what I like to call it.

Seeing all the handsome young men and their dates dressed in all sorts of gowns and masks.

It's almost unreal.

This whole room is a place of dreams, the beauty, the sound of the piano now bouncing off the walls.

"How long did it take you to get here?" She asks, attempting to make small talk.

"Not long. Probably half an hour." I reply. Alzbeta only nods.

Why do you have to be so awkward?

"Hey girls!" Jessie shouts over the music. "Here's your drink, Mads." I take the glass from him, the liquid vibrating at my trembling hands.

Jessie sits in the chair next to me before leaning in and whispering, "You okay?" I only nod and smile in response before taking a sip.

We sit for a little while. Jessie, Lucas and Bety all gossip about the latest news and I also find out about Lucas and Betys heritage. They're both from the Czech Republic, I could never have guessed.

Suddenly, Jessie brakes the conversation and stands up, turning to me he holds out a hand.

"Let's dance."

"Oh, n-no. I d-d..." But before I can wiggle my way out of it he grabs my hand and hauls me up, leading me closer to the grand piano where a few people are dancing eloquently.

You don't even know how to dance!

Pulling me close, Jessie puts my hands around his shoulder and gently places his hands around my waste.

"Changing the environment helps anxiety. I could tell you weren't comfortable sat there." He mumbles, leading me step by step until we fall into a routine of slow movements and turns.

Letting out a sigh, I feel my muscles untense.

Jessie should be off having fun with Lucas, not dealing with me.

"You should have told me." He continues.

"I can handle myself. I don't need you to protect me." I spit back, not meaning for it to come out rude. However, it silences Jessie as we continue to dance.

An overwhelming amount of guilt build inside every bone and muscle in my body.

I should apologise.

But the more I think about saying sorry, the more what if's begin to pop up.

What if he gets annoyed at me for saying sorry all the time? What if he doesn't hear me?

The more I over think, the louder and hotter the room begins to get. I can't stop the pounding of my heart or my uneven breathing.

Just change your environment.

Letting go of Jessie without saying a word, I run for the exit.

My eyes glance across every window and door possible until I head for the nearest one.

Swinging open the door, it slams into the ally wall behind. The music slicing the crisp winter air.

Wheezing and coughing for air, I begin to pace back and forwards.

Slowly, I begin to regain self-control.

My legs start to give way as I slide down the wall until I end up sat on the dirty ally floor, before feeling the damp water of a puddle seeping through.

At this moment, I don't care about the dress or leaving Jessie behind. I just need to be alone.

The music muffled by the walls allows the trees to sing their song and for the coldness to bite at my burning skin.

I'm ready to head back inside when the door creaks open.

"Oh, Jessie. I'm so sorry for ear..."

My head meets the ground before the warm sensation of bloody trickles down my forehead. 

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