Chapter Eighteen

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Hey! Short but sweet chapter today! Wrote this when I was meant to be writing up my drama coursework... In my defence I was very bored and I love writing this book!

Enjoy! xoxo


The hallway glows in my anxious mind, the air too cold yet it burns my skin. The silence screams in my ears as my vision smudges colours and objects, merging them into one.

I'm going home. I've had enough of today.

I follow the long, winding, country path towards my urban house. My mum's car has now returned to its parking space and I can't help the salty tears escaping my eyes as I crave her reassuring touch.

Bursting through the door, I run through the kitchen, searching for her, wanting to tell her everything.

Finally, I spot her lead out on the sofa, the pictures still smashed from this morning.

"Mum?" I cry out, but she doesn't respond. I approach the sofa, and look down at her, she's sprawled out, and eyes shut with a glass bottle loosely in her hand. "Mum?" I sob.

Her eyes shoot open like a bullet, her face switches from pale to red with rage, and she thins her quivering lips before taking the bottle and lobbing it at me. Luckily I dodge out the way, before it smashes into a million pieces behind me, my breathing speeds up with shock.

"GET OUT!" She screams, picking up another glass bottle from the floor, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" She continues.

I back away slowly, lip quivering and heart racing.

Shutting the living room door slowly, I run to my room, grabbing the biggest bag I can find, I swing open my drawers and chuck the clothes inside, catching my breath between every sob.

I'm leaving. I can't stay here anymore.

Pulling myself together, I swing the bag over my shoulder and head out the door.

One step, two step, three step.

I've been walking for half an hour, walking to a place with no final destination. Tonight will probably be spent on a park bench until I can find a cheap place to stay. Before leaving I managed to find some money hidden behind one of the photo frames in the hallway, hopefully it will be enough until I can earn more money.

I feel so glum on such a beautiful day, the park glows in the sunlight with the birds singing – unusual for an autumn's day. Children are laughing in the distance as the prance around the climbing frames, their parents gossiping on the benches behind. It brings back memories of my childhood. When my parents were happily married and Shay and I would be taken on days out. Picnics in the park, going to the zoo, we did it all. But... But then my dad had to go and get bored.

He had to ruin everything.

"Are you okay?"

I jump out of my skin at the sight of a little blond haired girl stood just in front of my face, her brows furrowed and eyes a deep blue. This is followed by a deep male voice shouting at her to return.

"Sorry about tha-" He pauses, "Maddie?"

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