Chapter twenty seven.

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I'm such a bad person I know. Not updating in a month! But I had a moment of motivation this evening so here you go! I still do have exams though so please bear with me guys! 



The day dragged like usual. One lesson after another, the same old same old, but Jessie's plan made the day go even slower. His refusal to tell me any information other than to meet at the little café we ate in a few days ago after school was utterly frustrating.

My heart raced at the bell finally rang.

Questions took over my thoughts as to what could be brewing in his creative mind. Firstly, who this idea of revenge was for and secondly how we were going to do it.

What if we get in trouble?

I push the thought out of my mind; Jessie would never intentionally get me into trouble. He's not like that.

Is he? I thought. No, He's not.

The café isn't that far from the school, or anywhere in this town in fact. It's so small that a car almost seems useless.

Waste of money and a waste of fuel if you can just walk it. However, some days I can't even be asked to get out of bed let alone walk to the shops, getting a lift from my dad always seems like a better option on those days, if he so happens to be at home. Which is rare.

Walking into the café is like opening the oven door, the heat smacks you in the face, taking your breath away.

I take off my jacket, feeling the warmth start to radiate through my body, heating up my frozen bones.

The awkwardness of sitting alone dwells within me. Noticing everyone in here is with another person and I'm sat alone. Waiting for someone, but very, very alone. Most people tend to be on their phones, however the elderly customers are caught up in gossip.

How I'd love to have been raised in the time when phones weren't a thing.

But I can't say much, I'm addicted to mine too.

Not long after Jessie walks in, sits down and begins to play on his phone without saying a word.

The ticking of his thumb letting go of a ball seems more and more annoying as he watches the ball hit tiny little squares, making the numbers decrease.

Pointless game, I think.

Clearing my throat, I raise my hand for a waiter or waitress to attended us, maybe that will get a conversation out of him.

A tall guy approaches, his hair slicked back and muscles protruding his tight shirt.


Jessie looks up for the first time and flicks his hand, dismissing the beautiful heart-throb of a man from engaging in a conversation of hot drinks and cakes with me.

"What was that for?" I ask, probably letting on more then I intended about my newly found crush.

"We don't want him." Jessie spits, looking around the café.

"You might not, but I sure do!" He shoots me an angry glare, and I fall back into more of a nervous position with my legs and arms crossed.

Instead he gestures for a girl to come over.

So, I'm not allowed to talk to a cute guy but you can gawk at a pretty girl? So that's how it's going to be.

I let out a snarl as she approaches.

"Hey guys!" Straight away I know it's Zienna.

Jessie gives me the talk to her stare and I reply with, why should I? His glare only intensifies.

"Hey! I saw you at my school today, what was that all about?" I force a giggle and only then do I realise what Jessies plan is.

The tingling feeling zigzags within me, a sense of excitement, hope and a hunger for revenge.

Sweet, sweet revenge. 

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