Twenty One

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Luhan's gaze never left his husband's serious face as his parents went on about an exclusive holiday that they planned.

A trip to Jeju Island.

The way Mrs. Oh ranted about the beautiful places they could visit made Luhan squirm in uneasiness. The plane tickets handed to them were a sign that they couldn't get out of this. Sehun stared blankly at the tickets as he accepted them. Luhan picked up on what Sehun must have been feeling then.

"I really hope you can take some time off work, Sehun. I'm sorry if this is too sudden. Take it as a wedding gift from me and your dad." Mrs. Oh clarified. Somehow, Luhan couldn't help but feel a bit of irritation at her bluntness -- she had a clue of what was going on in their marriage and a holiday for both of them wasn't much help.

"When will we get this opportunity to go on a holiday together again? Since your dad and I can't really take that many days off from work. You both can think of this as a honeymoon as well. How long have you been married? Have you thought about adopting?" Mr. Oh, who had been silent throughout the lunch, added.

Luhan only sighed disdainfully. Why were they suddenly bringing up the topic of adoption? The thought of adopting had never crossed their minds. He was pretty damn sure Sehun was at loss for words right now too. The four day, three-night trip was bad enough. What could he say to avoid going? His mind started coming up with a few excuses but none of them made sense. He knew Sehun had no way out -- it was his job to find a way out of the plan now.

"I don't think I can take a few days off, mum and dad." Sehun kept quiet. He couldn't back out since the payment was already made.

"Why is that, Luhan?"Mr. Oh asked, eyebrows furrowing.

"My friend and I are working on this project that needs to be completed as soon as possible and we're rushing since I kinda took a few days off before." That wasn't completely a lie and Luhan didn't really feel that bad. He felt sorry for Jongin and Yixing since his personal issues had affected their work.

"You took a few days off? Why? Where'd you go?" Mr. Oh sent a confused look towards his son-in-law. Three pairs of eyes watched him closely, demanding an answer. He could feel Sehun's curious gaze beside him.

Luhan doesn't know why his mouth felt so eager to spill all his secrets. However, he wasn't so out of his mind that he'd admit he took off a few days to search for Miyoung.

"I didn't really feel well."

"Why didn't I know? You should have gotten a doctor's note."

"Um... It wasn't that serious. I think it's just the weather. Besides, I'm too lazy to go to the doctor." His eyes wrinkled as he gave them an assuring smile. The other two male seemed to believe him. Mrs. Oh looked at him in suspicion. He figured that she might know that he was lying.

"So, now what? Since your spouse isn't going, will you tag along, Sehun? Would you really leave Luhan here in Seoul?" Sehun's lips pressed into a line when he heard his father's question.

"If Luhan's not going, let's just cancel this trip." Sehun's decision tugged at his heart. Luhan felt guilty. Everything was planned -- they couldn't cancel it just because of him.

"I'll try asking for leave." Hopefully, Yixing would agree.


Luhan asked his husband if they could drop by the mall after meeting with his in-laws because he needed to find a new notebook. Luhan mentally cheered once the heat from mall greeted them. The temperature in Korea wasn't getting any warmer and Luhan was freezing cold, no matter how many layers he bundled up in. He had always been sensitive to the cold. Thank goodness it wasn't raining that day.

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