Twenty Seven

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Making a scarf wasn't as hard as he thought it would be. Although it had taken him a huge amount of time to be able to learn how to knit, with his mother's help, Luhan was able to finish making one as a practice. In fact, it felt pretty fast and easy — probably because he had a motivation to push him forward. Now, what's left for him to do was to pick up a few rolls of different coloured cotton wools by the tailor shop in the afternoon and start to knit one for Sehun.

After lunch, Luhan got ready to meet up with Minseok as they haven't seen each other for a while and there was a lot to talk about. He was really thankful that Minseok could be there to hear his blabbers of frustration. The thought of contacting his other best friend, Baekhyun had crossed his mind a few times — but Luhan gave up after thinking of the consequences that might happen if he spills his story to him.

He felt sorry, of course, but it can't be helped. God knows what the Byun Baekhyun would do if he knew what his best friend was going through. He could be taking the earliest flight to South Korea the next second and beat the hell out of Oh Sehun. He sure is small, but that diva sure had learned some Hapkido skills; it couldn't be guaranteed that his husband could end up without a few broken bones.

As always, Mr Lu had told him to inform his husband before going out as Sehun had undoubtedly gotten very possessive of him after the accident, he wouldn't quit worrying over the most trivial thing. 

If it was up to him, Luhan would just rebel and go out without his husband knowing but, knowing well it would resort to an argument with his father, he had no choice. 

At first Sehun didn't sound so pleased but Luhan had convinced him by saying how he was about to die out of boredom at home in exasperation and how he only wanted to hang out at the bookstore to search for new books to fill in his time. After a hefty amount of reminders and a promise to be back home before dinner and to call him every half an hour, Sehun finally dropped the call. Although secretly, Luhan had no intention of keeping the promise. 

Luhan was waiting by the bus stop and as soon as Minseok's car came in view, he got into the car hurriedly and buckled up, sighing heavily in relief. 

"What's up with that sigh? Did Sehun torture your feeling again?" Minseok asked, stealing glances to his side.

Minseok had just gotten back from Europe and of course, he had no idea about the scheme Luhan's playing.

"I have no idea, Min. It's either he's torturing me or... I am torturing him. I'm not sure."

"What do you mean?" His friend asked

"Just go first, I'll tell you later," Luhan said urgently, afraid that someone might catch him together with Minseok. How would he explain to them how he had forgotten about his family and husband if he could remember his friend?

"Yah, Luhan, what we doing here?" Minseok finally asked as he frown at the amount of fabrics lined up in front of them. He had been following Luhan closely inside the tailor shop like a puppy, not knowing what to do.

"I'm trying to find the perfect cotton wool to make a scarf. It's for Sehun," Luhan giddily chirped, his fingers feeling the softness of the fabric, one by one. He was genuinely happy. The scarf is going to be a very meaningful gift.

"Oh! Have you made up with him? Why didn't you tell me? How can you hide it from me! But whatever, I'm just happy that you made up. I wouldn't have to witness your escapades whenever you guys fight again," Minseok jokingly said, grinning from ear to ear. 

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