Jealous ?

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***Beth ***
Once I got to  school , I went to search for my friends but they didnt come to school today .
They texted me apologizing about not coming today. 
I said it was okay and went to my first class which was Math and we had to work with the person next to each other.

And that meant that I had to work with Alex .
"Hey ".
"Don't talk to me ".
"Beth , we need to talk ".
"Alex , leave me alone and just answer the questions ".
"Bethy -

"DONT , call me that ". I said yelling the don't quietly. 
"Fine , Beth I understand that your hurting but don't push me away again.  I am trying to come back to you ".
"Well too bad since you already lost me ".
"Beth , stop ".
"No , Alex you stop.  Stop trying to put this friendship of ours back together cause we both know that 's not going to happen ".

"Well I want it to be ".
"If our friendship comes back together , its going to be a fake one .
"I am trying to fix things and all your doing is pushing me away ".
"Cause you left me . You are the one who made the mistake of losing me ".

"I am trying to get you back ".
"Don't ".
"Why are you acting like you dont  know me and you have these walls around you ".
"Your the one who made me build it ".
The bell rang before he could respond again. 

I can't believe I was talking to him for the whole class .
I grabbed my things and left. 
I went to my next class which was Information Technology also known as I.T. 

Alex wasn't in that class which I thanked God for  .
Once I.T was done , I went to lunch . I ate my lunch very quickly  before Alex came to sit next to me. 
I went to my next class that took up the time we had until school was done. 

I drove home and then I was pulled into  someone "You cant hid from me forever ".
"I wish I can ". I mumbled.
"I heard that ". He said. 
I wanted to get out of his hard , sexy - Stop saying that you hate him .

"Do you really hate me that much that you don't want to live together ".
"Yep ".
"Ugh , Alex I want to go do my homework ". I said as I was trying to get out of him
"I am trying to win you back ".
"Excuse me ".
"Look , I know you may hate me for saying this now but -

I didn't wait for him to finish his sentence , I slapped him .
I knew what he meant .
He liked me .
"How dare you say that you like me now ".
"I deserve that but -
"I don't like you ".

That was when he let me go and I went up to my room and I did my homework .

***The Next Day ****
I woke up before Alex so that I could make breakfast. 
When he came downstairs , he saw me and said "Morning ".
I grabbed my keys and before I got to the door he said "Of course you didn't make me breakfast ".

"One : you don't deserve it and two : I am not your maid ".
He said "Beth ". But I left without responding. 
Once I reached to  school  I went to my friends and told them what happened. 

"He is such a jerk ".
While I was at my locker , someone came up behind me and said "Hey Beth ".
I turned around and saw Charile .
I started to panic a little because this has never happened .

"Hey ".
"I was told something about you ".
"Which is ?".
"That you like me ".
Who told him that ? . The only  persons  who knows about that were Cathy and Ally.  Then I realized that they told him. 

"I was wondering if maybe after school we can go get something to eat ? ".
"Sure ". I said getting really nervous. 
He was getting really close to me and I saw Alex watching and I started to relax. 

He left with an angry look on his face .
Then the bell rang and Charlie offered to walk me to class. 
He didn't have the same class as  me now. 
I turned around and saw that Cathy and Ally left .

I started to walk and when we reached to class , he said bye and left .
I sat in my seat which was next to the jerk. 
Once I sat down , he gripped the table really hard .

Good. That means he's jealous.

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