You Did

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***Beth ***

He caught me and he looked at my face and did that for awhile .
It looked like he was thinking if he should do something or not. 
He then let me and said "Don't do that again " .
"O-okay ". I said in shy way. 

I know what he wanted to do . He wanted to kiss me because anytime he chased me for a reason , he would either tickle me or kiss me. 
I don't know why but I  wanted him to do one of  those two things. 

I went to my where my friends are and gave them a mad look.
"He is  definitely in love with you ". Cathy said. 
"N-o-no he is not ".
"And you are too ". Ally said
"Whatever " .

We went back to my room and continued  to eat the cake we made .
It was past midnight and that was when we decided to sleep .
I woke up around 4 in the morning to get some water because that is what I always like to do. 

Then I heard something from the living room  .
I walked in and saw Alex .
Alex saw me and paused his game .
"You still come out for water ?".
"Yeah ".
"Sorry " . He said .
Before Alex ruined our friendship , I would always have to take water because I would always have these weird dreams or bad dreams .

It was one night that me and Alex slept in  the same bed that I didn't have weird or bad dreams .
"Its not your fault ".
"Yes . I left you " . He said. 
I felt really guilty when he said that. Even though he was the one who made the decision to leave because of me , I could still have made him to stay.

"Alex , can I ask you something ?".
"Sure ".
"If what happened to us didn't happen do you think that things will be different if you changed it ".
"My behaviour to you would change if we were still together ".
"Okay " .

"I still have Mario Cart . What to play ? " .
I use to love Mario Cart . That was the only game that I beated Alex in alot  of times. 
"Sure ". I said. 
I sat down next to him and took the next controller and played with him.
I won 5 times .

"How is it that you can still beat me in Mario Cart ".
"I don't know ".
He put down he controller and looked at me .
"Alex , why can't you tell me ?".
"Tell you what ?".
"Why you can't tell me how you feel when you are sober ".

"Bethy , leave me alone ".
"Don't call me that ".  
"No ".
"Ugh ".
He wanted to get up but I  got up too and said "Tell me ".
"Beth ".
"Tell me ".
"Fine , you want me tell you everything ". He said getting frustrated . 

I nodded and he said "Well , I can't tell you anything because I like you and you are  just pushing me away . I wish I wasn't stupid enough to let you go but I had to . I couldn't bare seeing you so heart broken when I didn't even cause it " . He said yelling at me .

"Yes you did.  You cheated on me when you knew that I didn't like being cheated on ". I said yelling back at him
"I know that".
"So don't  even say you didn't cause my broken heart" . I said yelling at him .

"I didn't " .  He said .
"Then who did Alex". I asked
"It was Stephanie and Blake . Blake wanted me to break your heart so that he would get you but you shot him down . I was forced to cheat on you . I didn't want to . I was forced to play along but when I came to tell you , you with your stubborn over dramatic self won't listen ".
He said yelling me .

By this point  I was in tears by what he told me .
I can't believe I ruined our friendship .
"Hey , we heard shouting and saw it from  came here ". Cathy said
After what Cathy said he stormed out the house slamming the door in the process. 

Cathy and Ally came by my side and told me it was going to be okay but it wasn't. 
I didn't know that that was the reason why.

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