5- attack

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I do not claim to own any of the rights or the characters from the Bleach series as this story is completely my own idea.  Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews to tell me what you think.  Thanks and enjoy the story!   I will be using Yugioh cards the Harpie Ladies 1,2, and 3 for this story.  I claim no rights to these cards (but I do own actually a few Yugioh cards which I will possibly use for this story).  I am also creating some attacks that are not featured in the Bleach series. 

Key notes:  “regular human speech”, 'thinking to one self ', (author's notes), *mental/telepathic communication*, italic – spirit speech, BOLD CAPS LOCK – ATTACKS

Chapter Five: attack

The three Ichigo's felt helpless as they waited for Rukia to come back with Renji and Byakuya.  Yoruichi Shihon who happened to be in cat form had entered the room.

“Ichigo.........I have some bad news.” she stated even though the voice of the cat sounded more like a male than a female.  But Ichigo was fully aware that the cat was a girl not a guy.

“What is it Yoruichi?” asked all three of the Ichigo's in unison.

“.......stop doing that!” she snapped.  The three Ichigo's just looked at her as they all apologized in unison.  “.........Anyway.......  It seems that head Captain Yamamoto was attacked and much like Captain Hitsugaya and Captain Zaraki, his spirit and powers were taken from him.” stated Yoruichi.

“I can't picture old man Yamamoto going down without a fight.” stated Ichigo.

“According to Soi Fon it was apparent that he did fight his attacker but they had over powered him.” replied Yoruichi.

“Any word yet on who this attacker is yet?” asked Kuro as Yoruichi shook her head no.  This caused the Ichigo's to sigh out loud as they all rose to their feet.

“Wait.......where are you three going?” asked Yoruichi.

“Make ourselves useful.” replied all three in unity.  Yoruichi's ears twitched as she could feel them, the Hollows.

“Wait Ichigo...........!” she called out to late as all three of them were gone.  'Dam it Ichigo, you are still stuborn.  It will want you three alone, unprotected.  We still have no clue to what we are dealing with.' stated Yoruichi.

Meanwhile........Endymion looked at his new prize with a smile stretched across his face.

“Master Endymion........we have taken over Hueco Mundo.  The Hollows have been dispatched.  It will drive them out.” replied Valkyria.

“Excellent work Valkyria.  Now to test them.  Appear Harpie Ladies!” stated Endymion as he waved his staff.  Three women appeared before him all wearing the same exact thing.  The only thing that was different was their hair.  The three women went down onto their knees before Endymion.

“You had summoned us Lord Endymion?” asked the one with long pink hair.

“There is something that I need for you three ladies to complete.  There is this Soul Reaper, three of them in fact.  I am quite interested in their power.  I want you three to go and attack them.” replied Endymion as he never looked at the women.

“As you wish Lord Endymion!” they replied in unison. Endymion turned to the three harpie women before he used his powers to open a portal to the human world.

'This shall prove entertaining!' he laughed to himself.

Elsewhere........The three Ichigo's entered a nearby park to see a bunch of Hollows chasing down some spirits that appeared to be teenage school children.  The three of them reached for their zanpakto's.  Shiro had Zangetsu strapped to his back as the black ribbon unraveled from the sword.  Shiro's zanpakto and his uniform was the opposite colors of what Ichigo's was normally.  Ichigo carried Tensa Zangetsu across his shoulders as he watched as the teens dashed towards them.  Kuro appeared to have no sword until he clenched his left hand as a sword of black energy appeared in his hand.  The three Soul Reapers dashed at the Hollows attacking them.  They could remember the last time when Uryu Ishida the last Quincy challenged them to a match to see whom could kill the most Hollows.  Uryu would have proven victorious except for when the Menos Garande appeared and Ichigo had saved Uryu's life.  No matter how many Hollow's the three cut down, two more had taken their place.

*Damn it......just how many of these things are there?* asked Shiro mentally.

*We can worry about that later Shiro.  We have to protect those spirits!* Ichigo replied back.  Shiro looked at him in shock but then again it made sense.  Before when they were hole, one being, Ichigo could hear Shiro mentally when they were connected by Ichigo's mind scape.  The three Ichigo's quickly side stepped an incoming attack from a Hollow.

*May I suggest that we divide and conquer.* stated Kuro mentally.  Ichigo nodded his head as the three of them split up to take care of the Hollows.  But more just kept on coming.

“GETSUGA TENSHO (MOON FANG HEAVEN PIERCER)!” roared Shiro unleashing a white destructive blast from Zangestu as he managed to clear away half of the Hollows.  No, new ones seemed to pop up after getting destroyed by Shiro's attack.  Both Ichigo and Kuro saw this as they both followed suit.

“GETSUGA TENSHO (MOON FANG HEAVEN PIERCER)!” snapped Ichigo as he unleashed an energy blast from his sword but it was the color blue not black.  'That's strange!' Ichigo thought to himself.

“SAIGONO GETSUGA TENSHO (FINAL MOON FANG HEAVEN PIERCER)!” stated Kuro as he unleashed a black destructive blast.  Finally it made sense to Ichigo.  If Shiro had a white attack and Kuro had a black attack, then of course Ichigo would have his normal blue color.  But why then didn't he have his regular Soul Reaper uniform instead of his bankai outfit?  Ichigo figured that he could worry about that later.

*Hey King........those kids are gone!* yelled out Shiro mentally.  Ichigo quickly looked around noticing that Shiro was right.  Was this some kind of trap?  The three Ichigo's quickly dealt with all of the Hollows.

“Be ready.  I have a bad feeling about this!” stated Ichigo as Kuro and Shiro nodded their heads.

“KAZE HANE YAIBA (WIND FEATHER BLADE)!” shouted out three female voices in unison as razor sharp feathers blasted towards the three Ichigo's.  All three easily dodged the attacks but some of the feathers did manage to cut them.  Blood poured out from Ichigo's open wounds.  There flying above them was three woman all wearing the same purple spandex outfit as a darker purple one covered their private areas.  From their upper arms down to their wrist was green feathered wings as their hands and feet appeared to be birds feet.  Their skin and eyes appeared to be the same too but their hair was different.  One had long pink hair, the second had short red-orange hair, and the third had medium indigo blue hair.  The three Ichigo's had never seen creatures like these before except maybe in stories.

“They are strong and quick but we did managed to get one of them.” stated harpie lady number one.

“Lord Endymion wants you three.  Your powers are the key!” stated harpie lady number two.

*Endymion is this the one that attacked Toshiro, Kenpachi, and Yamamoto?* asked Ichigo mentally winching from his wounds.

*Who knows?* replied both Shiro and Kuro reply mentally in unison.

“Prepare to die Shikigami!” snapped harpie lady number three as all three of them moved in unison.

“HANE BAKUFUU (FEATHER BLAST)!” they snapped as a gust of feathers sliced past them.  The feathers weren't as razor sharp as before but with how fast they were flying in the wind, it still managed to cut the three Ichigo's to shreds.  All three of them had the wounds but Ichigo, the one true Ichigo wounds were far worse.  Both Kuro and Shiro glared at the three harpies as they laughed.

“I don't see why Lord Endymion wants you for as there is nothing special about you.” replied the third harpie lady.  This made Shiro mad as he stepped forth.

“Shiro.........don't!” gasped Ichigo.

“Don't worry King.  I will take care of this.” replied Shiro causing the harpie ladies to laugh which made Shiro's blood boil even more.  The hollow gripped his zanpakto hard as violent energy ripped through his words entered his mind.  An attack just for him.  “HOWAITO KATSU SAI (WHITE RIP CUT)!” growled Shiro as the energy unleashed from his entire being into his zanpakto as he swung

Zangetsu with great force.  Multiple white energy slashed through the air as it hit one of the harpies dead on killing the second one instantly.  The other two harpies screeched in shock as Shiro collapsed onto his knees.  He was visibly weak from pulling off that attack.

“You will pay for that!” roared the first harpie lady as the two remaining harpies charged at the three Ichigo's.

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