Chapter 1: Acceptance

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Fairy Tail: You're Lucy of Fairy Tail (A NaLu Fan Fiction)

Hello, minna!  I finally reach 1,000 followers, oh my gosh! ;o; ♥ I can't believe I got here, just fffff--thank you all soo much!!  As promised, I will be posting the first and the second chapter of this new fan fiction!  I have no school tomorrow, so if I want, I can update if I'd like~  Of course, I'd like to finish "Legend of the Fallen" first, but you never know how things turn out, haha!

Multimedia is the main song for this story!  It's basically the theme for the setting, conflict, etc.  You know, everything. xp  Title is "Best Is Yet To Come" by Red. ♥ I really do love this song as well~!

I dedicate this chapter to my 1,000th follower, as promised!  And that person is miss MarsheeLee! ♥ Thank you so much for being my 1,000th follower; you have no idea how much that truly means to me! ;o;  All of you must go follow her, alright??  It's funny...I was her 300th follower, haha!  I hope you all enjoy this first chapter, aand I'm still shaking from being so ecstatic lol!  Feedback is greatly appreciated, since this is the first chapter especially!  Until the next chapter. c;

c я y p т ι c _ є y є s , a.k.a я y - c н α η

❝ т н є и α ℓ υ ω я ι т є я ❞....♥


It was a peaceful afternoon in the city of Highdale, and people walked around through the street.  Laughter and music was heard, and people conversing at small cafes or people who dragged wooden carts were seen.  Mothers had their children with them, and they looked through the windows of fancy bakeries and shops.  Clotheslines hung in between buildings and in the alleys, drying aprons and family clothing.  The sky was blue, white puffy clouds blowing in the mid-summer breeze.

However, it was quiet in one certain alley.

A feminine figure resided at the opening of the alley, in the shadows.  Her hood was pulled up over her head, and the female's mouth was shown pursed and nervous.  The hood shaded her eyes, but strands of blonde hair escaped the cloak and fell down her front.  The girl pulled her hood closer to her face, butterflies and fear in her stomach.  Though it was almost ninety degrees out, she wasn't affected by the summer heat.

She swallowed.  In the shade of her cloak, she was wearing a strange clothing; it looked special, with a light blue color as its main theme.  There was white cloth lining her sleeves, which were large like a kimono.  However, the rest of her outfit seemed normal; she was wearing leather boots and a black skirt, with a brown belt that hanged loosely around her hips.  And on that belt was a chain, with a case of keys.  They jingled against her hip and under her dull brown cloak as the female shuffled her feet anxiously.

Finally, she let her hood slide down to her shoulders, and she took a deep breath.  Her feminine chocolate brown eyes were shown, and her soft delicate white skin.  Her facial expression was nervous, but determined and courageous at the same time.  With a hesitant step, the young lady walked into the middle of the street, waiting for accusations to start ringing out once people saw her face.

But they didn't come.

The blonde sighed in relief.  No one here knew; they just passed by her with a polite smile and an absent-minded glance.  They didn't know who Lucy Heartfilia was; who she was.  That relieved her.  For a little while at least, she could walk through this town and buy the necessities she needed without worrying.

However, she was still anxious.  Those people that were looking for her may be lost in the forest that separated this city from the next for now, but they would be free soon and they would come here.  They would ask around about her, spreading Lucy's face around and tainting the city, so that she could never hide here without people knowing who she was.  Lucy had to grab the things she needed and move on; otherwise, they would get on her trail.  No place was safe, but at the same time, the farther away she went from home the farther away she got from the judgement.

Fairy Tail: You're Lucy of Fairy Tail. (A NaLu Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang