Chapter 15: Explosion of Hope.

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Oh my god.  I finally updated.  It's been so freaking long! ♥  But hello again, minna-san!  I've missed you all!  This chapter is long for all of your tastes; I hope you enjoy it!  It's been so long since my last long?  About a week and a half?  Woah, that's a long time for me! ;o;  I severely apologize, especially since the story is nearing its climax!  Well, the new chapter is here now, at least!  That's a good thing! ♥ I really enjoyed writing this chapter; I think this might be one of my best! :D  Lucy's Constellations are really a fun thing to write; I hope you all think they are interesting too! ^.^

Multimedia is a song from my new favorite band; I only discovered them like two days ago, and I am absolutely in love with them!  This is one of my favorite songs by them too!! ♥ Title is "No Parallels" by Hands Like Houses!  I think it really picks up the adrenaline in the chapter, and the desperation for freedom Lucy is desperate for.  Lucy is, after all, fighting for her freedom and for the chance at the thought of living a normal life.  I hope you like it, truly~!

I dedicate this chapter to aciddaisies_!  This girl is one of my greatest friends, and if you haven't fanned her, you must!  Her stories are amazing as well~!  I hope that this chapter pleases you especially, my friend. ♥ Anyways, I'm so excited for you guys to read this, so let's get started, ne?  Please, don't forget to comment and vote!  Your feedback means so much to me! c':  Until the next chapter, everyone!

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Lucy let out a loud clamor, her head snapping to the side as Rander stood over her, his arm poised from slapping her.  She was currently in Morgan's office, which had strangely turned into nothing but a twisted cavern that extended up as far as Lucy's eyes could see.  She was bound by her wrists by large iron shackles, and her arms were slumped in exhaustion.

Just a little bit longer...

Morgan wasn't there; just Rander.  Vesper and Theer—who had appeared only yesterday—were guarding the premises.  The members of Shadow Paradox were occupying the lower half of the building, using it as their new guild.  Lucy saw, as they had walked past the cell she had been in, that most of them had been severely injured.

Had Morgan done that?

Lucy's shoulders were shaking, but not from grief; from soreness.  Rander had been hitting, slapping, and sending bolts of electrocution through her for an hour now.  Lucy hated his guts; they had her now, but what did they plan to use her for?  Why torture her, when they knew—or thought—she wouldn't try to escape?  Morgan had a reason for keeping Lucy; for turning all of those Celestial Mages dark.  But, Lucy didn't known those reasons, and she clenched her teeth in frustration as the pain in her cheek dulled to a throbbing hum.

"This is starting to get boring,"  Rander replied, a plain expression on his face.

In a burst of anger, Lucy kicked her legs out from underneath her, knocking them into Rander's heels and making him collapse.  While in motion, Lucy jabbed her heel into Rander's face, feeling the bone snap underneath her foot.  With a wince, Lucy knew she had broken her heel, but her victory over breaking Rander's nose outweighed that pain.

"You bitch!"  Rander exclaimed, one hand clutching over his nose as the other slammed Lucy's head to the wall.  "You think you're going to get away with that?"

Lucy smirked, despite her situation.  "What's wrong, Rander?  Mad that I broke that big nose of yours?"

Lucy would have blown him away then and there, but her magic was restricted by the bounds she was captured in.  Rander, who sneered at her, slammed his fist into Lucy's stomach and caused her to fly forward from the impact.  All the air rushed from her lungs, and she cringed as a rib on her left side cracked.  Sweat was beading at the sides of Lucy's forehead, and when she finally could get her breath back, the broken rib jabbed pain at her lungs, causing her to wheeze.

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