Chapter 7: Memories of a Trapped Celestial Mage!

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Ohaiyo, minna! ♥ Here is the next chapter, I hope you like it!  Just for future reference, every time I have that "..." thing for three lines it usually means Lucy is going into a memory. c:  It's just supposed to give you a small break-in before you get to the memory or out of it~!  Just wanted to say thanks for the compliments on my icon, haha!  I didn't expect to have anyone guess!  Well, anyways, I apologize for not updating. It's just I didn't have any inspiration to write any of my stories lately.  However, the more I got to the part I wanted to write, the more enthusiastic I became. c:

Multimedia is a video trailer! ;o; Someone made this for me, and I loved it so much!  I loved how she used the theme song I mentioned at the beginning!  It shows me how much she takes my messages seriously!  I hope you all enjoy it!

And of course, the dedication goes to Golden_Heart_! ♥ She is the one who made the trailer for me, wah!  Thank you do much, Golden-san!  I was so extremely happy when I saw this!!  Please go follow her as well; she is a great person! ♥ Thanks so much for all the commenting too, Golden-san. c':  Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!  It is sad, but it's because Lucy needs to put all of this behind her once and for all.  Remember, feedback is greatly appreciated!  Comment, vote, etc; your opinions mean a lot to me~! ♥ Until the next chapter then, minna!

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"There it is!"  Happy exclaimed, and the others stopped.

Lucy gulped slightly, a bead of sweat building at her temple from nervousness.  Team Natsu stopped, and their eyes all widened at the fortress before them.  There was an eerie feel to the place, and as the wind blew through the trees and past everyone, Lucy shivered.

"It sure is built strangely..."  Erza replied, her voice low.

"Ano...that chasm..."  Wendy replied, pointing to the precipice a few paces away.  "How're we going to get over it?"

"Easy,"  Gray replied.  "Just find a way."

Charle began grabbing Wendy's shoulders and Happy did the same with Natsu, while Erza and Gray prepared themselves.  However, they stopped when Lucy pulled out a leather whip, which magically transformed into a radiating light force.  They watched in surprise as Lucy swung the whip forward with a crack, making it wrap around a branch across the chasm.  With one smooth motion, Lucy got a running start and pulled at the whip, propelling herself up into the air.  Her hair whipping against her neck, Lucy jumped the rest of the way and dropped safely on the other side of the precipice, turning to her friends.

"You coming?"  Lucy asked, smiling.

Natsu grinned along with the others, and the two dragon slayers easily crossed the break with their exceeds.

"Ice Make: Floor!"  Gray exclaimed, spreading his arms out.

Ice covered the ground from Erza and Gray and then on, crossing the open air and forming a bridge across the chasm.  With a triumphant look, Gray and Erza hurried over to the other side, which Gray than dismantled the spell.  Then, with a serious look, Lucy turned back to the headquarters with her heart pounding.  Without a word, the group came up to the side of the building, their expressions a mixture of determination and caution.

Natsu snickered slightly, a childish ring to it as he lit his hands on fire.  "Alright!  Leave this to me!"

Lucy turned to him as he began to walk past her and to the wall.  "Wait, Natsu--!"

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