Chapter 5: Trust

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Hello, everyone!  Thanks for waiting patiently! ♥  Though there were people that kept nagging me about updating, hehe...I do apologize for the long wait.  But school comes first, and I need to make sure I'm ready for Track Conditioning, which most likely starts this week. x.x  I've been practicing already, but not as much as I should be. :p  Right now, I'm pretty sore from doing core exercises, haha!  Anyways, onto the dedication!  I dedicate this chapter to damplix! ♥ This is my Non Fan fiction account; I currently have a story there!  Please stop by and read it, ne? c:  I hope you all enjoy the chapter!  Feedback is greatly appreicated!  Until next time, minna!

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Levy spent a lot of time with Lucy after that.

All day, Levy would bring Lucy snacks to hope she would get better.  Lucy was feeling fine by the next day, but Wendy wanted her to rest and make sure that everything was healed completely.  Lucy laughed at everything Levy said, and it was likewise with Levy.  They shared their favorite things, and even certain personal things like about ever having feelings for someone.  Of course, Lucy had been awkward to answer that question since she hadn't exactly had a nice past.

After leaving Lucy to rest, Levy would go out to the Fairy Tail guild members and give them the update on Lucy's condition.  She would boast about how funny Lucy was, and how much she was happy that Lucy came to the guild.  Levy also complimented Lucy on how much she liked her laugh and her smile, and she told her guildmates how nice Lucy really was.  Some of the others were amused at Levy's enthusiasm, but Natsu and Happy were just happy that Lucy had found another person who wanted to be her friend.

Erza was listening to most of Levy's rambling, a conflicting look growing on her face with each statement Levy described.  Guilt began to show in her posture, but being Erza, she held herself proudly and defiantly.

When Levy finished, there seemed to be a wondering silence in the air.  However, there was a cheerfulness there too; hearing things about the newcomer Celestial Mage made them except her more, though they hadn't seen this kindess for themselves yet.

"I suppose..."  Erza replied after a few moments silence.  "I should go apologize to Lucy."  There were silent murmurs of agreement, and Erza let out a sigh of defeat.  

"I see..."


Lucy was residing inside a mansion; it was familiar to her.

Yes, it was the home Lucy had grown up in; the home that had once been her sanctuary but was now her nightmare.

Lucy was glowing slightly, showing herself in transparency.  With slight startlement, Lucy realized she was dreaming, and she felt herself pulled from the fog of the dream and into acute awareness.  Though nothing in the dream changed, it felt like Lucy was really there; everything was so detailed.

Lucy looked behind her and up towards the mountain range.  Yup; it was the same mountain range where Lucy's father ended his possession of land.  When Lucy turned back to the home, which now seemed strange and foreign to her, Lucy was silent.  Should she go in, or should she leave?  Could Lucy even leave in dreams like this?  Lucy didn't have a chance to decide, because when she blinked manually she was suddenly somewhere else.

Lucy didn't know where she was; she was in pitch blackness.  The only light around for miles was the one she was eminating, but Lucy didn't feel warm at all.  Everything was silent, the only noise being Lucy's labored breathing.  And it wasn't long until noises emerged from the darkness and silence.  Lucy strained her ears to hear, but it was only when they suddenly boomed through the empty air did she become afraid.

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