Chapter 3: Fairy Tail!

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Kon'nichiwa, minna-san! ♥ Boy, is it nice to be back!  Though it's only been about three days, I've been waiting patiently to finally have to time to write again! ♥ Finally, the weekend is here, and I have two days to write as much as I want!  Yay!  This will probably be the only chapter for tonight, unless I can squeeze another in for Legend of the Fallen. c;  I have to finish that one before this one goes in motion, lol!

Another song that fits this story very well...title is "You Found Me" by The Fray. c:  I really like this song, along with the band...they never get old, for me~!  I hope you all enjoy it!

I dedicate this chapter to dedicatedandrea!  It's a prize for commenting and voting for my stories so much! ♥ Thanks so much, it means a lot to me, haha!  I hope I can continue to get your support! c':  I until the next chapter, everyone!


a.k.a яy-cнαη~☆


Lucy was sleeping in Natsu's bed, a peaceful expression on her face.  She still wore her cloak and keys on her waist, but she was under the covers that raised once in awhile with her calm intakes of breath.

"Geez, she didn't have to clean the whole house!"  Natsu mumbled, looking around.

It was true.  The house was spotless; everything had been put back in order; dishes cleaned, laundry done, floors scrubbed, trash taken out, everything back on the walls were they belonged, and the sheets washed.

Happy looked at the dragon slayer in amusement.  "But we couldn't stop her, Nat-zu!  Lu-shee was so happy she thought she had to repay us!"

Natsu let out a breath of amusement, looking at the sleeping Lucy across the room.  "Yeah.  She did seem really happy."

Lucy expression was full of joy and laughter when she saw a picture Happy tried to draw one time under a pile of clothes.  It was of Natsu, but it wasn't very well drawn.

"You still kept this though?"  Lucy had asked, smiling.

Natsu had replied like it was obvious.  "Course, Happy drew it."

Natsu, however, was still surprised Lucy had so much energy.


Natsu was jerked from his thoughts, looking down at his exceed.  "Eh?  What is it, Happy?"

Happy looked troubled.  "How are we going to tell the guild?"

Natsu's face became strained.  "Oh crap, that's right!  They think Lucy is like what everyone else says!  How're we gonna convince them that she isn't so bad?"

"...been looking for you..."  Lucy murmured in her sleep.

Natsu and Happy looked at Lucy, their expressions curious.

"Who's Lucy looking for?"  Happy whispered, trying not to wake the Celestial Mage.

"Who knows..."  Natsu mumbled, shrugging his shoulders dismissively.

-------------------------------- ೋღ♥ ღೋ --------------------------------

When Lucy awoke, she found it was much more warmer in the covers than when she had fallen asleep.  Still half asleep, Lucy turned over on her right side, finally hearing a strange sound.

Snoring...?  Lucy wondered, her mind still foggy from sleep.

Slowly opening her eyes, Lucy's face turned bright pink when she saw Natsu snoring next to her, their faces only centimeters away.

Fairy Tail: You're Lucy of Fairy Tail. (A NaLu Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now