Chapter 20: Fairy Tail vs Shadow Paradox

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{Fairy Tail: You're Lucy of Fairy Tail by Cryptic_Eyes © 2014, All Rights Reserved}

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Yo, minna! Hope you're having a good day / night, whatever~! Anyways, here is the next chapter, as promised! I hope you enjoy it! Erza and Gray's fights are in the chapter, too! But, lol, they're a little short; after all, as you would expect, Theer and Vesper are a little less strong than past enemies. So that is why they defeat them so easily. c: After all, Natsu took them out in one hit!!  But I still hope you like the chapter! We're almost done with this story, believe it or not! I will tell you right now that in the next chapter, Morgan's plans will be revealed!

Multimedia is the song "Lion Skin" by Hands Like Houses! I think this song is a good one for this chapter; so I hope you enjoy it! This is one of my favorite songs by them, and they happen to be one of my favorite bands too!  Also, another banner for you all! Of course, it's a line by Natsu, but I hope you guys still enjoy it! ^.^

I dedicate this chapter to Good_Night! I haven't dedicated anything to this person in awhile, so I hope you like it now!  This person deserves a follow and some adds, so be nice and go give some love, ne? c: I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Remember, feedback is greatly appreciated! Until next time, minna~!

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Erza hopped through the branches of trees, narrowly dodging the explosions that followed behind her.  Trees fell in her wake, and residing in her Normal Fight Robes armor, the fairy queen suddenly stopped in her tracks as an explosion rang out from in front of her.  She covered her face with her arms, smoke enveloping her, and let out a small noise of surprise when Theer jumped from the clouds and straight for her.

Theer brought his open palm out, leaning forward to strike Erza who resided on the tree branch.  However, she dodged, jumping out of the way just as Theer slammed his hand into the tree, cutting it clean in half.  Her skin was slightly burned, her fight robes singed, and she was only holding one of her katanas as of now.  She was breathing heavily, but the determined gleam in her eyes had remained, her ferociousness never leaving.

"You're pretty fast, for a lady."  Theer replied, amused.

"Oh?"  Erza began, her eyes intense.  "Well, know that you're wasting this lady's time."

Erza clenched her teeth as explosions rang out around her, and she jumped into the open sky, smoke following behind her as she burst into the light of day again.  Theer followed, however, and they clashed within the sky, making a line of explosions appear in the air.  

Down below, on the ground, Fairy Tail was still fighting Shadow Paradox, its minor mages and guards putting up enough of a fight in its numbers.  However, the S Class Mages that were there within Fairy Tail was their trump card.  The Shadow Paradox members were dwindling, and Fairy Tail was finally beginning to get the upper hand after an equal balance of power.  Erza was shown facing off against Theer, and Gray was on the ground underneath them.  He was facing off against Vesper, on one knee and his ice excalibur buried into the ground for support.  Juvia was taking out guards two at a time, hitting them with jets of water roughly and violently.  Wendy had Charle next to her, and they were surrounded by guards.

"You bastard..."  Gray muttered, pulling himself to his feet.

A blade protruded from Vesper's sleeve, gleaming in the sunlight.  "You are just a bug needing to be squished.  Master Morgan's Plan of Revelation will begin soon."

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