Chapter 4: Makarov's Intentions

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Hello, everyone! ♥ Here is the next chapter; sorry for the long wait!  I needed to focus on tests, everyone says nowadays, ne? cx  I don't know if I'll be able to update again today, but I might.  Oh! That's right!  I want to get a few things straight about this story!  Here are some things about it that might make it easier to understand...

--Wendy and Gajeel are already at the guild!  Don't ask me why, but for this story to take place they have to be there already!

--Lucy does possess all twelve zodiacs!  However, because she escaped from Morgan, she does not know how to use Libra or Pisces!  That whole system will be explained later!

--Natsu's magic is to the point where he can still go to Lightning Flame Dragon Mode!  A lot of things took place just without Lucy there; if you don't like that prospect, don't read the story!

Alright!  Now that that is straightened out...I dedicate this story to FlamesxKeys!  Thanks so much for the support you've given me!  I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and remember; feedback is greatly appreciated!  I hope to update again soon; if not...I hope you all have a good weekend!  Until the next chapter, minna!

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Everyone looked shocked at the fact that Master Makarov knew the Celestial Mage, and the fact that he even looked friendly towards her.

"It looks like we have a lot to talk about," the master replied, beckoning for Lucy to follow.  "The rest of you, ease your worries.  Lucy isn't as people predict she is, so forget the lies the public is predicting."

Lucy saw people's shoulders slack, and she was more relieved than she had ever been.  It was as if she was able to get past the threatening glares and the judgements here.  However, Lucy knew she hadn't gotten to the stage of trust yet with these mages.  Lucy knew that she'd have to do it herself, and that thought made determination spread through her.

Master gestured for Lucy to follow him once more, turning on the edge of the balcony and back onto the top floor.  Lucy began to follow Fairy Tail's master with anticipation, hurriedly walking to get to the stairs.  Natsu and Happy began to follow but one halting look from Master made them stop, and with a look of protest Natsu and Happy realized they weren't to follow.  Before Lucy hit the stairs however, she turned back to the Fairy Tail members, surprising them.

Lucy bowed, her hair like curtains on the side of her face.  "Thank you very much for letting me approach your guild!  I don't want to cause you any trouble, so I will leave as quickly as I can!"

There was silence, and the Fairy Tail guild members looked at each other uncertainly, not knowning what to do or say to the Celestial Mage.  

However, Lucy didn't give them a chance to do anything.  Turning back around with her hair covering her eyes, Lucy walked up the steps quickly, following Makarov into his office and leaving the unsure mages behind.

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There was silence in the room as Makarov sat on the edge of his desk, Lucy in a chair in front of him.  Lucy wanted to say something to him, but got the feeling she should be respectful of her elders and wait until Fairy Tail's guild master spoke first.

"Lucy Heartfilia..."  Makarov finally replied, his voice deep yet keeping the same long monotone.

"H-Hai!"  Lucy exclaimed, sitting straight up; her nerves were making her jumpy.

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