Chapter 22: Light and Fire! Lucy's Hidden Mission!

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{You're Lucy of Fairy Tail by Cryptic_Eyes © 2014, All Rights Reserved}

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Ohaiyo! Minna-san! This is an extra extra extra long chapter for you all! ;o; To be honest, I think I only have two more chapters left of this fan fiction!! I had so much fun writing this one; this particular fan fiction got a lot more famous faster than the others! ♥  It's much more popular, as well; I should make more originals more often lol! cx

Multimedia is the song "Outcasts" by Palisades! This song fits the fast pace of this long and epic battle, and I really love the meaning of it! I'm so excited for you all to read this chapter! *squeal* I hope you enjoy the song!

I dedicate this chapter to fairytailnalu1! This person is my absolute best friend here on Wattpad~! I don't have much time to talk to her right now, but once school is out, I hope we can talk a lot like we used to! c': I hope you enjoy this, Ed-kun! Remember minna; feedback is greatly appreciated! ♥  I'd love for some votes, comments, etc! Thanks a million! Until the next chapter then, my friends!!

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The air seemed to thin at Lucy's words. 

"A unison raid..."  Happy murmured, a paw near his mouth in thought.  His ears perked up.  "That sounds perfect, Lu-shee!" 

"But..."  Natsu began, hesitant. 

"Please, Natsu,"  Lucy implored, her expression strained.  "I'm...running out of time; and so are we.  If we want to stop that machine we need to finish him off now!" 

Natsu flinched at the mention of Lucy's curse and he glanced down at her disappearing body silently.  The sight of it made his eyes harden and his anger return, and Natsu looked back up to Lucy with a determined expression. 

"Ah.  Let's take him down together, Luce." 

Lucy smiled, nodding.  Relief was in her eyes, and her tired muscles relaxed slightly at his words.  "Arigato, Natsu." 

Morgan's face darkened, his willpower to keep his plan alive overwhelming.  "I won't let you do such a thing!" 

As quick as light, Morgan slammed his hands to the ground, and the floor began to shake underneath them.  Natsu chsked in surprise, slightly losing his balance while Lucy spread her feet wide to keep herself on her feet. 

"What the hell?!"  Natsu barked. 

"Omission: Alluvium!"  Morgan yelled, his coat billowing up behind him in the breeze as his magic activated. 

In a split second, the floor cracked between Natsu and Lucy's feet, and they both cried out in surprise. 

"Natsu--!"  Lucy yelled, her voice being halted by a wall that suddenly sprang from the floor. 

"Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, about to jump over the crevice but being halted by another wall that sprang up from the earth. 

Lucy banged her fists against the smooth surface of the compacted dirt, slamming her shoulder into the surface.  However, nothing caved; it was as hard as stone.  Not only did two walls separate them, but also a small ravine. 

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