Chapter 6: Anxiety

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Kon'nichiwa, everyone! ♥ I was able to update like I hoped, but I apologize for it being a little later than I'd thought it'd be! ^.^; Well, I'm just happy I was able to update anyways. c:  I will most likely have school tomorrow, but with the weather, who knows? c'x I hope not, but then again, my spring break is already gone, ehehe....I hope this chapter is long enough to keep you all satisfied for a few days! (If I don't update, that is)  Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!

Multimedia is just a song. c:  Title is "Nothing" by The Script; I hope you all enjoy it!  I think this song fits Lucy very well; after all, she does sometimes question her purpose in life sometimes. c:  I hope you like it!

I dedicate this chapter to FlamesxKeys!  Thanks so much for commenting on my story thus far! ♥ I hope you enjoy this specifically! c':  Please comment, vote, yada yada yada...just feedback, really lol!  I'd really appreciate it if you all did so!  Anyways then...I hope you all enjoy the chapter!  Until next time, minna~!

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"Are you sure, Lucy?"  Master Makarov replied, his expression serious.

Lucy nodded.  "Hai.  It's the best place to start."

Lucy had come up with an idea the night she had left Fairy Tail for the first time; if she could face her fears and return to the place Morgan had kept her, maybe they'd find clues to where Morgan was located now.  Right now Lucy was with Makarov in his office, but they weren't alone.  Team Natsu--consisting of Erza, Gray, Wendy, the two exceeds, and of course Natsu--was residing behind Lucy, looking interested in the concept Lucy was presenting to the master.

Lucy pointed to the map spread out in front of her and Makarov, her expression serious.  "The area Morgan kept me at was secluded, up in the mountains.  In fact, it happened to be close to the land my father owned.  Master Makarov, as I'm sure you can tell, Morgan was a rich man.  He could do what he wanted, and he had people do the dirty work for him."

Makarov nodded.  "I'm not surprised."

"Oi Luce, what kind of magic does this old guy have?"  Natsu asked, leaning over the back of Lucy's chair.

Lucy looked slightly amused at his childish outburst.  "He isn't old, Natsu.  Morgan is only in his thirties.  And about his magic..."  Lucy turned back to the map, thinking hard.  "...I don't know what it is.  He's never showed it to me, because he's never needed to."

There was a small silence, and Natsu straightened his posture in disappointment.

"Continue, Lucy."  Erza replied, listening intently.

Lucy nodded, her expression determined again.  "Right."  Tracing her finger from Magnolia, Lucy dragged it with a smooth gesture as she began to explain once more.

"If we take the train, we can head to the city that's only about a day away.  Once we get there, we'll have to go on foot the rest of the way.  Up in the mountains is where his old headquarters resided, but for what I have no idea.  I don't know much about Morgan; he could be a guild master for all I know."  Lucy sighed.  "Anyway, there's a wide precipice that separates half of the mountain and the headquarters.  It'll be a troubling thing to get over, but from there on it's clear."

"And you think we'll find clues to Morgan's whereabouts, Lucy?"  Gray asked, nonchalant.

Lucy nodded slightly.  "Yes.  If we don't find him there, he must've left things behind when he re-located himself.  Possibly things about his motive, whatever it is..."

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