chapter four

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☆.。.:* Her Chambers .。.:*☆

It had taken Hermione a while to get accustomed to her room. It was an extensive space. With desks and empty bookcases everywhere. The general decorations were lovely, everything seemed to hail from one color pallet. Her room was decorated in elegant gold, pink and cream colors. She found many of the things in her room rather...over the top. Not like the thing's she'd usually have in her room, nevertheless, Hermione found the room to be very pleasant.

     Upon walking around, Hermione had felt significantly underdressed. Spending the little hours she had all to herself, she began unpacking.

Blaise had left her to settle in. Stating that he'll be fetching her once they were called for lunch. Approximately an hour or two.

After unloading most of her belongings using magic, she noticed three doors from opposite sides of the room. One adjacent from her bed, another beside it, and the last door beside the bookshelf.

   Hermione went towards the one in front of her bed. Gently pulling the door, it revealed an already full wardrobe. A soft gasp erupted from her lips. Had Blaise accidentally given her someone else's room? Stepping inside she brushed her fingers along the various dresses, robes, and gowns. Then above them, shoes, all varying from styles and sizes. She glanced upon the glass table at the center. A note perched leaning against a vase of peonies.


She briefly scanned the envelope, no wax seal. Lightly, she opened it.

These certain lunches and dinners are very formal Granger. I took it upon myself to ensure you're appropriately dressed. Yours truly, Blaise Zabini

He must've forgotten, Hermione though. She'd have to thank him for this. If she'd have shown up to lunch wearing jeans...Gods.

   She scanned the collection of dresses. There were some... too revealing ones that she could never bring herself to wear, she might possibly pass them on to Ginny. Either Blaise didn't know her well enough to differentiate what she would and wouldn't wear, or he simply picked out the most outlandish dresses to embarrass her. She would've guessed the latter.

    Hermione observed a smooth olive silk dress, long that it covered her body yet it didn't reach the floor. It looked loose compared to the other, more questionable dresses. Settling on the dress, she paired it with some emerald green slippers.

Closing the door behind her, Hermione delicately placed the dress on her bed before stalking to the door beside the closet.

     When she opened the door, her jaw almost dropped.

It wasn't like anything she'd ever witnessed. The bathing chambers were remarkably beautiful, white stone illuminated by the bright sunlight. With pillars soaring from beside the bathtub -more like a pool- she gawked at the long vanity, two sinks with golden taps. Vases filled with white roses decorated the marble countertop.

     Hermione was well aware these people were rich. But she didn't think they were that rich.

  How she desired for a bath at this very moment.

Wasting no time, Hermione closed up the curtains then grabbed the dress she'd picked out, then ensured the door was locked before filling up the bathtub and enjoying the luxuries provided to her.

She examined herself in the reflection. She felt rather exposed. She'd worn such things before -during the Yule Ball in her fourth year- though they weren't as revealing as this.

      Hermione didn't need to furiously style her hair this time. The moment she'd dried it, it had formed smooth waves that rippled through her back. She also had spotted some jewelry inside one of the drawers. Choosing a dainty gold necklace and earrings. No longer did she feel underdressed. In fact, she felt more natural this way.

    She's never been fond of clothes and jewelry, at least not in the way other girls were. Yet she felt something within her awakening. Her femininity shining through.

A knock came from the door. Stepping away from the mirror she unlocked the door, only to reveal an anxious-looking Blaise. Dressed in his own finery, a dark emerald button-up, embroidered with silver design. Hermione hadn't noticed that she had unintentionally chosen Slytherin colors as well.

   "What is it?" Hermione asked softly.

"We're a bit late," Blaise admitted. Hermione's brows rose, closing the door behind her while she and Blaise began racing past the halls.

    "How late?" She asked him.

"Let's just say, I may have slept in longer than I had anticipated."

   A scoff escaped Hermione's lips.

They stopped upon the staircase, then flew towards what she presumed was the dining hall.

    "Little warning, Hermione," Blaise stated before grabbing the handles of the double doors. "I don't think they know who you are." Without warning, Blaise pushed at the doors.

Hermione had no idea where to look. It was an effort not to run away from the lingering stares at her. So many of them. Some she'd recognized and others, completely new to her. Though it was the woman who sat at the head of the table, Hermione focused her gaze upon. Ignoring all others.

    She could see in her peripheral vision, that few had tensed up at the sight of her. Some -Theodore Nott- reached for his wand. She spotted those steel grey eyes of Draco Malfoy, shock and confusion raging through them.

    "Hermione, Blaise. Lovely for you to officially join us."

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