chapter twenty-five

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☆.。.:* Andromeda .。.:*☆

Hermione had never felt more isolated in her life. They would be returning to Hogwarts in less than a week and usually, the thought itself would send her skyrocketing across the room.

Two days had passed since the treacherous incident with Blaise and Theo. Two horrible days of Blaise ignoring her. Hermione hadn't a clue whether Theo was avoiding her, she hadn't seen him at all, and Draco...she never saw him anyway yet something felt odd. The house felt surprisingly empty. It was the feeling she expected to have the moment she arrived, not when she was a couple weeks deep.

The daily companionship had seized, Hermione would instead be free to go to meals and explore the manor alone, but feeling extremely frustrated with herself, she instead opted to lock herself up in her room. A part of her felt like she needed some kind of consequence for her foolishness and another was telling her that she didn't do anything wrong- at least with Theo. A pang of regret hit her all over again. Blaise's face haunted her, every time she blinked, an image of Blaise's pained expression flashes before her eyes, making it difficult for her to enjoy any activity.

She felt so guilty and now felt determined to make it up to him, to someone. She craves to do something that will liven up the household. Then a thought entered her mind.

Jolting upright, Hermione dressed out of the casual day dress and into an elegant outfit. The cashmere sweater brushed against her skin and the brown plaid skirt reached her mid-thigh. Throwing on a light beige blazer, Hermione surveyed herself in the mirror.
The clothes in the closet had grown on her, she enjoyed the delicate little things- the soft fabric, the way they fit so perfectly. She didn't know if it made her a bad person for finally accepting some of the luxuries offered to her, it somehow felt like she was betraying her friends.
Pushing the thought outside, Hermione walked into the front foyer. She felt odd apparating from her chambers, she only ever saw it happen in the foyer. It would feel rude of her not to. Unaware of she's supposed to tell anyone where she was going, Hermione walked slower, in case someone was out in the halls.

She wanted to let at least one person know she'll be gone but she doubted someone would notice. One of the adults would get a signal of some sort saying she's gone but she didn't know if she was allowed.
They never said she wasn't allowed to go out. Hermione was nearing the staircase when the lightest movement caught her eye. Turning on her left she spotted Mrs. Malfoy.

"Hermione," Narcissa exclaimed, "Where're you off to?" If she was irritated about her leaving, she didn't reveal it. Her face was simply all curiosity.

"Visiting the Weasleys," Hermione knew better than to lie, but she also knew that she can at least withhold some information. She didn't ask what she'll be doing at the Weasleys, and which Weasleys she'll be visiting.

Narcissa Malfoy's face remained passive, Hermione didn't know how the woman felt about her family and friends, didn't know whether she still held a strong grudge against them.

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