chapter nine

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☆.。.:*   Blaise .。.:*☆

A crisp breeze swept through her. A chill running down her spine. Hermione wrapped her cloak tighter around her body. She had no clue where she was going, all she knew was that she couldn't sleep. She weaved her way through the labyrinth of halls, twists, and turns along her way until she found herself standing at the doorway of a magnificent room.

   The room was lightened by the luminescent moonlight, seeping from the tall windows, stretching across the walls. A grand piano sat in the middle of the room. The room had somehow called upon her. Hermione approached the piano, taking a seat on the white bench opposite.

Hermione had always had a love for music, she so rarely ever got to embrace it. Why would such a thing be kept so hidden within the manor?

Hermione wondered.

    She often got lost with the music. Sometimes when she played, it felt like the music controlled her. The cadence taking over her body, mind, and soul. She often thought that music expressed more than words ever could. How each tune was a whisper in itself.

Getting lost in the music, Hermione played. Closing her eyes, she let her fingers guide her, let the sound consume her whole. Hermione thought of many things, the feeling of when she'd first received her letter from Hogwarts, how she felt when she'd first met Harry and Ron, the excitement of casting out her magic, the joy all that had brought her, flowing in a light upbeat melody. Then she thought about all the pain she'd endured, the burning scarred mark on her arm that remained slightly faded, the faces of all they'd lost in battle, the stolen moments they could've had, the fear she saw on her friends- families eyes. The music turned low, deep with a meaning behind each piece. But suddenly, she remembered all that it had brought her. The peace after the war, the quiet after the storm. She remembered the nights she slept entirely peacefully.

         Something unlocked inside her as she remembered the dance...her dance with Malfoy, she remembered the heat that erupted from her, how he had calmed the rage within. How his icy cool touch had marked her...somehow. She recalled the look in his eyes as they danced, a silent conversation in itself. Hermione evoked the atmosphere of their dance, how it felt so comforting to her. Abruptly, the memories of all she'd endured at his hands came surging through her mind-


She sighed, she'd lost her rhythm. Hermione knew better than to keep thinking about the damned dance.

   "You play beautifully," A voice came from behind her.

Twirling she beheld Blaise, standing against the door. She'd been so lost in the music that she'd failed to notice him watching. A blush crept over her as she stood from where she sat.

    "Thank you," She whispered, lowering her head. "I apologize if I was being too loud,"

    I could've woken up the whole manor with my playing, how foolish, utterly foolish of me.

|| 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐝 ➸ 𝕕𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕖 || Where stories live. Discover now