chapter twenty

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☆.。.:* The Library .。.:*☆

Her chambers were colder than she last remembered them to be. The windows were shut and curtains were drawn closed, even though she can distinctly remember leaving them open the other day. Finding it peculiar, Hermione walked towards the window.
It wasn't until she was a few inches closer when she spotted a small note resting against the window sill. It was a short note which read:

Glad you're back, I'm out today. Keep out of trouble.


It was a simplistic message. Hermione rolled her eyes at it, thinking about how she could possibly get herself in trouble. Sighing, she walked towards the bathing chambers and drew herself a bath. Hermione looked thoroughly inside the drawers near her vanity, where she spotted dried rose petals, as well as scented oils. She delicately scattered the petals once the tub has filled, adding a few drops of honeysuckle oil. Drawing the curtains closed, she magically enchanted the ceiling of her bathroom to resemble a beautiful night sky. Locking the doors, Hermione discarded her layers of clothing, folding them neatly before placing them on the counter of her sink. Lowering her body to meet with the steaming waters.

The room smelled entirely sweet as she made her way to back inside her bed chambers, a towel wrapped around her body. Her hair dripping on the wooded floors, creating a trail of water. The smell of her jasmine shampoo swiftly taking over the room. Tossing her dirty clothes neatly into a small basket- which the clothes occasionally disappeared then appeared once more, cleaned inside her closets. She headed to her closet, where she scanned for more practical loungewear.

It had been a fairly breezy day, but inside the manor, it was near freezing. She opted for thick grey cotton pants and a light green knit sweater that she found stored inside the drawers. It was comfy and provided enough warmth.

When she made her way to her desk, she found a large silver tray set on the glassy table. The front door to her chambers had been left ajar. Hermione assumed that someone must've brought the food in, though what she couldn't comprehend was why they couldn't have just magically sent the food up. Nonetheless, there were three different meals. A bowl with steaming hot soup, which she couldn't discern. A small plate with delicious looking swirls of pasta, covered with creamy cheese and green embellishes. The last was a platter of stuffed pastries, with jam almost drooping onto the sides, there was chocolate drizzled at the top along with powdered sugar. Hermione's stomach grumbled, digging into the food almost as ravenously as Ron would. A burst of flavor exploded inside her mouth upon taking a spoonful of the soup, species that she could not identify tingling in her mouth, a delicious combination of savory piquancy. A groan escaped her lips as she took more sips then moved onto the rest of the meal. She had failed to remember how delicious the food was at the manor, it was almost unnerving.

She didn't know how much time had passed after her meal, the sun was still ablaze and Hermione hadn't any more books to read. Crookshanks had been let out of his cage a couple of hours ago. Hermione had been so preoccupied with her meal that she hadn't noticed the cat slip away from her chambers and out into the hallways through the opened front door. Hermione called out to Crookshanks once, twice- before going to the main area of her room to see that Crookshanks was nowhere to be seen and the front door was wide open. In her panic, Hermione burst through in the halls, wide-eyed, searching for the ginger cat.

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