chapter eight

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☆.。.:*  Adventures    .。.:*☆

She felt her wand tucked securely within her bodice, hidden from sight yet a safe distance from where she can reach easily. She hasn't forgotten to be cautious. Hermione was soon to climb out of the window and land soundly on the grass bellow. Theodore went with ease, landing softly and quietly with the help of magic. Blaise as well had landed gracefully. Only her and Malfoy remained by the large windows. He faced her, a smirk tugging at his lips, his steel-grey eyes bright against the dark mask across his face.

  They'd all decided to secure the masks on their faces as they were to apparate to the ball. Hermione had tied the beautiful cream mask, decorated with all sorts of flower embroidery to match her dress.

  "Ladies first," He stated, extending his hand to gesture towards the ground.
She glared at him, "Then go, Malfoy,"
He snickered then threw himself out the window, landing gracefully as a cat.

Hermione gulped then looked down at the ground, it was high, very high. She knew that magic was the only thing preventing them from death, but Hermione had never entirely trusted magic. She gulped then began backing away, ready for the running jump.
  Hermione bounced in place, shaking the nerves away.

  You can do this, you've been to war, faced darkness like never before, you're the brightest witch of your age, You can do this. I can do this.

With that, Hermione ran then jumped from the window, her eyes shutting close as she felt arms grab her by the waist and steady her on her feet. Hermione opened her eyes only to meet with Malfoy's. His hand still gripping her waist, the same arrogant smirk.

   "Next time, watch where you jump. Almost landed on top of me," He grinned, releasing her from his grip. She snarled at him as he pulled back.

  "Ready, love?" Theodore asked from her side, extending a hand towards her, Blaise on her left extended his own, with Draco by Theodore's side.
"As I'll ever be," She breathed shakily.

The night sky transformed, that sick twisting feeling surrounding her, she felt her insides shrink and expand, felt her body being pulled from several directions. Soon enough brightness hit her. Blinking multiple times, she focused her gaze. She heard the laughter and music before she saw it. Down below, there were hundreds of people, dressed in extravagant gowns and finery, glasses in hand, masks across their faces and tables scattered around, a dance floor at its center along with a magnificently large chandelier. Hermione gaped at the sight. Such people.

   The room was enormous and luxurious, with walls decorated with tapestry as well as grand archways lining the sides of the room. To her left was a grand staircase. Hermione hadn't noticed that the guys were already making their way down until she spotted them almost reach the bottom steps.

Hermione took a sharp breath then grabbing onto the railing she began her descent. Slowly with her head held high, she kept her features neutral. Keeping her eyes at the front. It had reminded her of the time during their fourth year, the Yule Ball. The stares she'd received that night.

  Hermione didn't fail to notice that all eyes were on her. The music had faltered as well, upon her approach. She felt her chest tighten at the pressure, so many eyes on her. Her rapid heartbeat pulsing in her ears louder than the music, silence had blanketed the hall. Hermione didn't know how to feel. As she approached the steps, she noticed the three men she'd arrived with, eyeing her, as if silently contemplating on who would be the one to escort her.

  However, it was neither of the three. But a young, dark-haired man. Wearing a regal gold mask against his ivory skin, his tunic was finely made and decorated with fine golden embroidery to match his mask. A smile placed upon his lips as he extended a white rose towards her.

   The crowd seemed to become more attentive as the man waited for her at the steps. Hermione couldn't avoid him as it would be humiliating for both of them.

   As she reached the steps, she smiled slightly. A curtsy seemed appropriate while the man bowed low.

Hermione took the rose and the man's extended hand. The man guided her hand onto his arm and began walking towards the left side of the room, the more private space.

   Hermione's heart was still pounding, she only glanced across her shoulders to flash the three gawking men a grin.

Once she and the mysterious man reached a clearing, he stood to face her.

   "My name is Francis d'Orléans, " The man spoke, his voice a deep whisper, thick with an accent.

Hermione couldn't believe her ears. Shed heard of the d'Orléans, French nobility- royalty. A wizard. They'd apparated here, surely they were all wizards and witches. Hermione glanced around and sure enough, magic was all around them, with floating trays, various magical treats, and a sparkle of magic within the room.

   "I'm-" Hermione didn't know why she simply hadn't given him her proper name, maybe it was because she wanted to escape her own reality for a bit, just for a night. "Lilith Moonbeam. It's a pleasure, Francis d'Orléans, "

     He chuckled, that charming smile on his lips. Gods. He was royalty.
  "Care for a dance, m' lady," His voice a low whisper.
Hermione didn't see the harm in dancing, they were there to have fun after all. She smiled and gladly took his hand. Leading her to towards the dance way.

       As a new song began, they pulled apart, bowing gently along the row of people.

Moving towards each other, he reached to grab her hand. The dance was a smooth, sharp rhythm. With twists and turns, their feet gracefully threading through the pairs of people, swaying with the music, Hermione couldn't help but smile up brighter at the Prince. She glanced up at his gleaming blue eyes. So deep, a shining sea blue, so beautiful. Such a stunning color. The man before her was utterly handsome.

 With a spin, they switched. Hermione turned into the arms of another. Glancing up, her eyes met silver. His pale white hair illuminating the darkness of his mask, his lips were curled into a smirk, so different from the smile on Francis' own.

     "Care for a dance?" Draco Malfoy's smooth voice whispered against the cool of her neck, leading her towards the center of the room.

Hermione felt her breath hitch. Her heart thumped against her chest, an uneasy rhythm. She felt her blood burning up, her skin tingled and her whole entire body felt heated. She felt the anger in her body rising. She didn't want him near her, he'd never been so close to her. Hermione felt so much hate throughout her body yet there was something else, cooling the flames within her. His touch was icy against her skin. Sending shivers down her spine, such iciness emitted from him. She hated the way he felt, hated his touch, hated the smirk on his lips, as much as she hated it. A sense of comfort lingered within each touch.

       "You're an absolute prat," Hermione whispered in his ears.
A low rumble came from his lips.
  "And you're absolutely vexing," He breathed out, spinning her gracefully. She rolled her eyes.

They moved like water, such grace yet danger with every step they took. No words could convey the dance, a form of magic on its own as each step was burning with passion and hatred, such opposites, intertwined with one another, they moved as one. It was unlike her previous dance with Francis. Her dance with Malfoy stepped from deep resentment and ...intimacy. 

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Hermione still felt that dance, even as she lay in the comfort of her room. She still saw the brilliant silver eyes that stared down upon her, the same cool, lingering touch upon her skin.

     That night had been something entirely different. After their dance, she'd spent some time conversing with Francis, then she'd somehow manage to dine with Theodore and Blaise afterward, along with their guests -two French women- who they'd both decided to take along with them back to the manor.

    Hermione couldn't sleep, even after such a tiresome night. Deciding to take this time to explore, she slipped through the deserted halls.

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