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I walked down the empty hallway headed for Mr. Way's room for lunch. I wasn't too comfortable going to his room for lunch, because I didn't want him to ask me questions about my self harm or home life. But, he probably will ask these kinds of things. I think he wants to try and help me.

In my opinion, he probably won't help.

I've been through so much. He won't understand how I feel.

I ran up the stairs. It felt nice with nobody in the halls. Everybody else was in the cafeteria. I trotted down to the end of the hallway and peeked into Mr. Way's room. He sat at his desk, eating a sandwich. He perked his head up.

"Hey Frankie!"

"H-hi Mr. Way,"

I grabbed a seat at my desk. I was 3 seats away from his desk.

"Frank, where's your lunch?" He asked.

"I... Umm... Woke up late today and didn't have time to make myself anything," I told him. I was actually telling truth. I never have time to fix myself food. Mr. Way bit into his sandwich.

"You should have just bought something from the school lunch," he said with his mouth full. He swallowed "It really isn't healthy not to eat."

He seemed concerned.

Wow, someone concerned? For me?

"I know. But I don't really have the money to buy lunch everyday," I shared.

Why did I say that? He's probably gonna start to ask about my home life now.

Surprisingly, he didn't.

He sat there drawing and eating his sandwich. I didn't talk unless he talked to me. I was afraid I was going to say something I shouldn't.

I sat there awkwardly. I was alone in a room with somebody that I'm falling for.

He obviously wasn't falling for me, no. I think all he wanted to do was help me.

Good luck with that.

I mean... Maybe he liked me? He doesn't talk to his other students like he talks to me.

He tucked his long, black hair behind his ear as he was drawing.

"You know Frank, I took a look at your drawing of your guitar earlier. It's really good," he grinned. "So, how long have you been playing?" He questioned.

"About 8 years," I said.

Have I really been playing guitar for 8 years? It feels like yesterday when I first won Pansy off some radio station game.

"That's a pretty long time. Did you take lessons?"

"No. I taught myself"

"I would really like to hear you play. Maybe we could hang out sometime and you could bring your guitar," he asked.

I perked my head up.

"I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I'm only 21," he laughed.

"That sounds good," I smiled.

I pulled my sleeve down. I covered up everything, even my hands.

Mr. Way saw me pull my sleeve down. His smile had faded away. He shook his head in sorrow.

"Frank, dont do that to yourself. You have to show that you are stronger than them. I used to cut, too. It did me no good. Please stop, for me." His eyes got watery. It broke my heart to see him like that. Especially because it was about me. It seems that he truly cares about me.

"I'll try..." I gulped. "It'll be hard. But I can do it."

"Thank you Frankie. I know it's hard, but you can win this fight," he encouraged.

The bell rang. Lunch had ended. I quickly got up and grabbed my books.

"Bye Mr. Way. Thanks for letting me stay for lunch,"

"Please, call me Gerard," he chuckled.

I walked out of the door with relief. I felt like having a friend that was there for me really got some weight off of my shoulders.

This has been the best I have felt in a while.


I got home and felt a horrible presence with me.

Mom was home.

I wasn't expecting her at all.

I tried sneaking up to my room so she wouldn't notice me. But that didn't work. She caught me.

"Hey! Frank!"she yelled.

"What?" I sassed.

Oh no, what did I just say.

"Why did you back talk? Get your punky 'lil a-"

"I'm sorry mom. It won't happen again!" I interrupted.

I closed my door shut. Mom never interrupted me after that. I stayed in there until the morning when I actually had to leave. I didn't want to see my mother at all.

All I knew was that today was a pretty great day. I had made a friend, and that's all that really mattered to me.


(A/N) hey guys! sorry this chapter was kinda short and wasn't all that good. I'm sick and really not writing my best. hopefully i will get better. comment and rate and stuff. bye c:

-laser candy

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