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I took a bite of my sandwich and chewed.

I hate food. I really do. Everything makes me loose my appetite and feel sick.

And when I refuse to eat, it's not like I'm starving myself. I'm just not fond of eating.

Gerard wrapped his arm around his leg and took sips of his water. He had already finished eating. I on the other hand have just been nibbling on the sandwich.

I placed the sandwich down, I couldn't eat anymore. I wasn't used to lunch, or ever eating before dinner.

The birds flying through the sky began to chirp. I could hear the snapping of branches in the trees.

I threw my sandwich into the stream in front of us. Robins and crows swarmed it and fought for a piece.

I laid down and spread my legs out. Gerard did the same, and wrapped his arm around me.

It looked like something was bothering him. He kept looking at me and looking away.

"What's up Gerard?" I asked. I sat up and kneeled in front of him. I held his hand in both of mine.

"Well, you see. Mom and Mikey don't know I'm, well, gay," he revealed.


"I just called it off with my girlfriend a few months back. Well, not girlfriend anymore. My ex," he said, disappointed in himself. "I just never told them about... Us."

I dropped his hand onto the ground and swiftly brought my hands back to me.

"Well you need to tell them!" I snapped. "They'll have to find out!"

He shook his head. "I know they do. But I'm just afraid they won't accept me."

"You're their son, they have to except you either way," I explained. "They may not be on board with the idea of us as a couple, but they'll have to cope with it!"

"I know Frankie, I know," he said. He turned to me and looked me right in the eyes. "How about we go tomorrow. You and I. It'll be okay. I'll tell them, and we'll see how they take it."

"Okay. I say we do it," I sighed.

"Good, but one more thing," Gerard asked.

"Sure, what is i-" he cut me off before I could say anything with his lips against mine. I grabbed the back of his head, and ran my fingers through his hair.

We were laying back down again.


The sun was hiding behind the clouds when we started to pack up our stuff.

The sky was an orange-pink color.

Sunsets are beautiful.

The day had been perfect.

We travelled through the woods, in search for the car. Finally we made it, after crushing sticks with our feet.

We slammed our doors closed and drove down the empty roads.

The land was vacant, not a soul was to be found.

No houses, no cars, no stores, nothing.

The car ride wasn't filled with much conversation. The bad reception of the radio went through the speakers.

The music was fuzzy. In the middle of nowhere, we can't expect much.

But the music kept us sane the whole car ride, even if two songs were coming together as one with the bad signal.

I'll Never Let Them Hurt You. (A Frerard Fanficton)Where stories live. Discover now