The Last Goodbye

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The three days have passed by.

It seemed like three days was more like three years.

Whatever. Gerard was going to go back to work tomorrow, even though that may or may not be a good thing.

It was a good thing for me, somebody would finally be there to keep me safe and happy. But for him, it may be hell.

I hadn't been home in three days either. I've just been crashing a Gerard's for the past few nights.

Maybe this afternoon I'll ask Gerard to drive me to my house so I can gather up my things and bring them to his apartment. I mean, the only things I would be bringing would be Pansy, my clothes, my CDs, and my pillow.

And my razors.

He doesn't have to know.

I waited for Gerard to come and pick me up outside at the front of the school. All of the kids walked to their buses, and other kids waited at the front for their rides to get there.

The crisp and cold fall air brushed against me.

It was October 24th, just in the middle of my favorite month. The weather was nice, the trees were beautiful, and it's my birthday month.

Wait, it's my birthday month. My birthday is next week!

Maybe I'll get a present from Gerard. I haven't gotten a present in forever. Mom was always gone on my birthday.

But I don't want to pressure him. I don't want to make it seem like my birthday is such a special day, because it really isn't.

Almost everybody was in their buses, and a few of us were still waiting for a ride home.

I peeked behind me, and everybody was staring at me. Many were also whispering to one another with disgusted faces. Gerard and I were the buzz of the school.

I shrugged and bit my lip. I stared down at my worn out converse.

Why do they hate me?

I pulled my other backpack strap over my shoulder and shoved my hands in my front pockets.

Suddenly, Gerard's car pulled up to the front of the school.


I jumped into the car. I heard gasps from all of the other kids.

"It's Mr. Way!" "Oh my gosh" "Ew, gay sluts"

The looked at me like I had just murdered someone.

"Assholes," Gerard muttered. He stepped on the gas pedal and took off. I threw my backpack in front of me and groaned.

"Bad day?" Gerard I asked. I nodded yes in response. "What now?"

"Still name calling. Everyone talks behind my back. They stare. The jocks try and fight with me in lunch. They already gave me a black eye yesterday, what else do they want?" I explained. It was true, Luke Dillion gave me a big purple sucker right around my left eye.

"Well, I go back tomorrow. We'll be stuck in this situation together," Gerard sighed.

He was right. This torture wasn't going to end. It was only going to get worse.

Gerard turned onto my street. I quickly turned to him. "Hey, mind if we stop at my place so I can pick up my stuff and bring them to your house?" I asked politely.

"Yeah, sure," Gerard said. He slowed down and stopped in front of my house. It looked haunted, the condition was so bad.

Well, this is where I grew up.

We ran up to my front door and I shoved the key in. I kicked the door open. When we walked in, a chill went down my spine. Goosebumps prickled my skin.

This flashed back so many bad memories. I hated this home and everything that surrounded it. From the dead grass in the yard to the broken lamps and stained carpets.

I trembled as we started to make my way to my room upstairs. The floorboards creaked. The cold atmosphere made me shiver.

Gerard probably thought I was poor, or disgusting, or that I lived in a rathole. Even if that all was the truth.

I pulled open my door and stepped into my room. The only room I liked.

I grabbed a duffle bag and shoved my very few T-shirts and pairs of jeans into it. I also put my underwear, my socks, my CDs, and my vans into the bag.

And I may or may not have snuck my razors into my jacket pocket.

I'm not strong, okay? I'm broken. Crippled.

I asked Gerard if he could bring the bag to his car, and he did. He walked down the stairs as I got Pansy and her amp.

Finally, I snatched my pillow off of the bed and said goodbye to my house for the last time.

My childhood.

It was time to grow up, time to move on. I was going to be with someone I truly love, and thats what matters, right?

I got back into the car with Gerard, and we drove on home.


Friday morning. Fabulous. Another start to another day.

The dinging of my phone from text messages woke me up. Death threats upon death threats. What else is new?

I walked into Gerard's room in nothing but my boxers. Also known as my pajamas.

"Hey Gee-bear, wake up, it's 6:30," I said pushing his shoulder lightly.

"Urrguhgh," he groaned. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "I like the attire," he chuckled.

I smiled and messed around with his bed head. "It's just for you," I teased. He bit his lip. I slowly bent down and kissed his lips.

I went into the bathroom and did my morning thing. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed. The usual. And like every other day, Gerard was already dressed an ready by the time I got out.

I grabbed my book bag and Gerard picked his briefcase up from the floor with a cup of coffee in hand.

We parked in Gerard's spot in the parking lot. The yellow buses lined up, circling the school.

"Good luck," I said. Gerard lowered his head.

"You too, Frankie."

Both of us stepped out of the car, and awaited another harsh school day.



please vote and comment and give me as much feedback as you can because i just think my story sucks and i need some inspiration or something. i just dont know what to do.

thank you

-laser candy

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