Falling For Him

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*Gerard's POV*

I drove home from work in the foggy, mucky, rainy New Jersey weather. It was hard to see with the rain splashing down onto my windshield. The wipers were barely helping get all the water off.

I finally got home to my apartment after all the rush hour traffic. I hung up my silky black jacket, dropped my keys on the counter, and crashed right onto the couch. I gazed out the window and saw nothing but the views of the night sky and the buildings across the street. As I looked outside I started to remember my day with my favorite student, Frank.

I know, I know. I shouldn't pick favorites, but I can't help it. He's so sweet and so adorable.

I also felt bad for Frank. I know exactly how bad home lives can be and how bad he must feel to feel the need to harm himself. I know exactly how hard it can be to keep up this kind of fight.

The school was terrible. Kids are always getting picked on. It's a horrible place to be at an age like that. I thought my first year teaching would be a better experience, but I guess not.

Maybe I should have applied for a job at a different school?

But then I wouldn't have met Frank.

Frank is such a great kid. I feel for him, I really do. And he seems so vulnerable. I wish I could fix that, or at least help the kid out.

Maybe I'll ask him if he wants to stay for lunch again tomorrow? I want to get closer to him, I want to be there for him.

Ever since my breakup with my ex, Lyn-Z, I too have been needing a friend. Somebody I can tell everything to, somebody that will understand me. I have lost relationships with everybody that I was close to over the years. After graduation, all my friends and I stopped talking to one another. The only person I had left was Lyn-Z, but she had to leave me. I still kept close with my mom and brother Mikey, though. But it wasn't the same. I needed someone like Frank.

I sound like a creep, but it's true.

Frank is so beautiful. His lips are so perfectly pink and soft. His eyes make me melt. Every time we lock eyes, I can't help but smile.

Oh great, now not only do I want to get closer to Frank, but I'm falling for him too?

No, I can't like Frank.

He's too young. I don't want to hurt him.

I put my face into my hands.

Gerard, you're his teacher, not his lover. Everyone will think you're a creep. You can't fall in love with a student.

But I just can't help it. He's is irresistible and has such a kind heart.

What am I even saying?

I looked at the clock. 6:15. I sighed. I had to eat something.

I popped a lean cuisine into the microwave. I couldn't cook, so this was my only option.

I ate the unappetizing pre-cooked meal. It wasn't everything I wanted, but it settled.

I turned on the TV and watched the news.

Why was I watching this? Everyday there's a new murder scene and and some child star doing drugs. Same old same old.

I changed the channel to some random old black and white horror movie. I have a thing for movies like these.

But as I ate my dinner I couldn't concentrate in the movie. I was too focused on Frank.

For some reason he made me feel better. His presence lightened up my mood. Second period was always my favorite to teach just because of him.

I finished my dinner. I threw away the box and washed my fork. I dried it, and put it away.

I then headed for my room and sat down at my desk. I pulled out my sketchbook from my drawer and began to draw.

I drew Frank of course. I drew him walking down an empty road, I drew him sitting at his desk at school, I drew him and I together. Everything.

I think it's safe to say that I'm going over the top.

After hours of drawing, it was time to go to bed. I got into skeleton pajamas and slipped into my covers. I played the album Nevermind by Nirvana and fell asleep to the sounded Kurt Cobain's voice.


I woke up with the sun beaming in through the windows. It was a perfect morning. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and it wasn't too hot nor too cold outside.

The only thing that ruined it was the fact that I had to go to work.

I stumbled out of my bed and made it to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. When that was all over, I got dressed. I pulled a pair of tight black skinny jeans, a white dress shirt, and a skinny black tie. I also added a pair of black converse to today's outfit.

I made myself a quick sandwich with a bottle of coca-cola in a brown paper bag. I grabbed all of my work supplies and bolted out the door. I crammed everything into the passenger seat of my at and drove off to work.

I rushed up to the second floor into my classroom. "Good morning Mr. Way!" Ms. Willow yelled out to me.

"G' morning Ms. Willow!" I quickly responded. I was already late to work. I got to my classroom just as the first period bell rang.

All of my first period students flooded into my classroom.

"Hey guys, good morning. Take out your projects and work on 'em. You can talk amongst yourselves. I'll be coming around to each of you to discuss your art with you. Get to work," I announced in front of the room.

I went around to each student to see if they needed help and just to talk about what they were going to do with their projects. I also gave some advice. Some students had really good ideas and were succeeding with them. Some on the other hand were lacking and weren't putting their best into it. I didn't go hard on those kids, because I know that art isn't for everyone. But what I did do was try and motivate them, which they may or may not have appreciated, but whatever.

I sat back down at my desk and drew some made up characters from cartoons and comics and stuff.

No, I did not draw Frank. I think that it may be a little creepy. I don't think I'll be doing that anymore.

The bell rang, and all the kids left to second period.

Finally, it was second period, time to see Frank.



hey everyjuan! hope you liked this chapter in gerard's POV. i think i'll start switching on and off with that. every few chapters be gerard, every few be frank. i dont know, let me know. dont forget to vote and comment and all that stuff. it really helps me out.

-laser candy

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