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We arrived at the school early that morning. Earlier than usual. We got there at around 6:30, school starts at 7:00 sharp.

Gerard had his briefcase strap over his neck. It sort of looked like he was carrying a man purse.

My dusty backpack rattled up and down on my back which each step I took.

Soon enough we were in Gerard's classroom. The little "Mr. Way" sign outside of the door greeted us as we walked in.

I sat down and began to zone out. I stared into space, thinking about the simple, and not so simple things.

I thought about how the whole school looked down on Gerard and I, and how we were a disgrace to this building and to the school district.

Every teacher that walked by either of us faked a smile, or just ignored us as if we were ghosts.

We knew they didn't like us. They didn't like the lifestyle we live. They don't like Gerard dating me, an eighteen year old boy.

For me, teachers just adds on to more people that dislike me. The kids here have thought I was a weirdo since middle school. In elementary school nobody cared. We were all basically the same. We all played with our toys and watched Nickelodeon until or eyes got heavy.

I guess in middle school, you're judged by everything. You can't do anything without glancing around to see if anybody is staring at you.

I was just that kid who actually did do everything wrong.

As high school creeped around the corner, dad had already left, and mom became a depressed alcoholic.

Now both of them are gone to god knows where.

In conclusion, nobody but Gerard likes me. I should just let that sink into my system.

The bell rattled above my head. Kids pooled the hallway and squirmed their way around.

With my books in my backpack, I slid down the front of the lockers and made my way down the hall to math.

The class settled in, and we did our usual schedule.

As Mrs. Kogan taught the class, the loud speaker interrupted.

The class went into a complete utter silence, and we all heard "Mr. Way and Frank I-yar-ee-oh to the main office please. Thank you."


I grabbed my backpack and met Gerard outside of his classroom. We walked down to the office together in fear.

As we walked in, we were immediately greeted by Mr. Lifton, the principal.

"Follow me," Mr. Lifton advised. Gerard and I followed him into his office. Mr. Lifton shut the door, and we all took a seat.

Every muscle in my body tensed. There wasn't a second that passed by where I wasn't shaking.

Mr. Lifton cleared his throat. "Frank, Gerard. I have spoken to Mr. Meyers, the super intendant. He believes that the relationship you two have is not appropriate."

"So what does this mean?" Gerard interrupted. He bent over a little, and folded is hands together. He flipped his shaggy hair out of his face.

"Mr. Way, Mr. Meyers believes that you should be fired," Mr. Lifton informed.

Gerard's eyes widened, and he rapidly turned his head to me, and back over to Mr Lifton.

Gerard stood up. "W-what?! Fired?!" he yelped. I, too, stood up. I almost knocked the chair down with my force.

A tear escaped my watery eye. It ran down my cheek, leaving a damp line.

Gerard can't be fired. No, this was unreal. He is the only one that's there for me during school. The only friend I have.

Without him, I don't even have a pulse.

"This isn't going to tear us apart," I murmured. I squeezed onto my shirt, fighting away the pain.

"I realize that. But it's the best for everyone here," Mr. Lifton said. He got up as well, and fiddled with his glasses.

"So is this my last day?" Gerard asked.

"I'm afraid so, Mr. Way. You can pack up all of your belongings today after school if you wish. Feel free to say goodbye to all of your students as well," Mr. Lifton informed Gerard.

I can't believe this at all. Why would they do this to me? To us?

I could see the pain in Gerard's eyes. It was not hard to tell that he was at war with his emotions.

"Kay," Gerard muttered. His voice was shaky.

Gerard and I walked out of the door, both wanting to cry.

I went back to Mrs. Kogan's classroom, and sat down in my seat.

I felt a million eyes on me. Everybody stared at me, I knew it. They were all oblivious to what had just happened, and were eager to find out so they could spread the story around.

I just wanted to go home.

I wanted to be with Gerard, and cry into his shoulder.

I wanted to be comforted.


(A/N) hello. i hope you liked this chapter. i have been trying my hardest with this story. i also have been just too busy and overwhelmed with so much, so my apologies of my story is going down hill.

please vote & comment. it means a lot and it helps me out.

-laser candy

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