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*Frank's POV*

The school day had finally ended. I looked outside of my eighth period classroom windows. Raindrops trickled down the flat surface.

For some reason, I love the rain.

I slowly grabbed my books and silently walked out the door without a trace. To my locker I went. I quietly went down the stairs.

The sound of the pouring rain was my favorite. The more noise I made, the more discomfort I would feel.

I got to my locker and surprisingly had nothing to take home other than my backpack. I had no homework at all for the weekend. Thank god.

I exited the school and went up the hill to my bus. I was bus number one, which meant I had to walk all the way down the row of buses. I hated that.

I finally got on the bus and headed to my regular seat. I put my backpack next to me and pulled out my phone so I could listen to music. Then I remembered.

I totally forgot I had to text Gerard when I got home.

What was I going to say? Should I just say 'hi'? 'What's up'?

Hey Frank, here's and idea. Make sure he knows who you are!

Maybe I should just stick to something simple.

'Hey, it's Frank.'

Yeah, that was good.

As the bus drove, rain still travelled down the windows. I pretended like the drops were having races like i did when I was little.

Boy, do I miss those days. When nothing mattered. When all I had to do was have fun.

When dad was around. When mom wasn't a cruel alcoholic.

Now look at me, I'm a joke.

I traced the rain lines on the bus windows with my fingers. I, too, was about to have a drip roll down my face like the water on the window.

At least I was home, finally.

I unzipped a small pocket on my backpack and grabbed the keys for the house.

The zippers on my backpack were all rusty. Whenever I tried to unzip them, the feeling gave me the shivers. Goosebumps even formed on my arms.

I unlocked the door and kicked it open.

I didn't feel a presence with me inside the house. It was all me, alone.

Finally, mom was gone.

I ripped my shoes off my feet and went to the old couch that sat in the living room.

My house wasn't nice. We couldn't afford nice things. The couch had a few stains and so did the carpeting in each room. The fridge was busted. Some of the cabinet doors were missing.

It was like living in an abandoned house with cable.

The only room that was nice was my room, and that's because I bought most of the things in there with the money from my previous jobs. And yes, I got fired from them. But we don't need to get into that.

I had a little flat screen TV, a nice bed with a blue and red comforter, posters and vinyls hanging on the wall, and some lava lamps to spice it up.

Haha. "Spice it up." What a silly expression.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket along with Gerard's number. I began to write a text message to him.

I'll Never Let Them Hurt You. (A Frerard Fanficton)Where stories live. Discover now