Perfect Day

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The sun peeked through the window in the morning hours. The bright gleam hurt my eyes, and caused me to wake up.

"Morning Frankie!" Gerard yelled across the room from the kitchen. He poured coffee into his dazzling red mug and took a small sip.

I yawned. "Good morning," I yelled back.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked, taking another sip of his morning coffee.

"I slept alright. You?" I said.

"Fine. Are we still on for today?" He asked.

"Of course!" I replied, tearing my blankets off and getting off the couch.

Once again, I was in nothing but boxers. Revealing my scars going up my arm.

Despite the fact that I was over a week clean, nothing was fading fast enough.

I saw Gerard's eyes open a little wider when he saw me in boxers.

It looked like he liked it and did't like it at the same time.

Every time he saw my cuts he has an unsettling look on his face.

"Well uh, you better get changed. We should head out soon," He ordered. I grabbed a clean pair of pants and a black, wrinkled T-Shirt out of my duffle bag. I walked into the bathroom and began to change.

I was so excited for today. We could brush all of the negativity off of our shoulders and not have to worry. We'll be able to be in peace and have a good time.

I was also planning on leaving my phone here at Gerard's house, just so nobody tries to ruin my day.

After getting dressed, I got out of the bathroom and saw Gerard making sandwiches for later.

"Gerard, you really don't have to make me one," I pleaded. He wasn't going to put up with it.

"Frankie, relax. You need to eat food to be a human being," He said. Gerard packs the sandwiches in two separate brown bags with a water in each.

He even drew half a heart with an F on my bag, and half a heart and a G on his bag so that when you put them together, it makes a full heart.

He was so cute.

"Aw, that's sweet," I cracked a smile.

Gerard chuckled.

I slid on my black converse and pulled a jacket on.

I saw Gerard slip his iPod with headphones in his pocket. He also grabbed his car keys and the twi lunch bags.

"Ready?" Gerard asked.

"Ready when you are," I nodded.

"Let's go!" Gerard said. We walked out of the door and ran down the stairs down to the lobby. We got in the car and drove off to find a place to be for the day.


After endlessly driving for two hours, we found open woods in the middle of nowhere.

There was a stream, a bridge, paths, and many open areas within it.

It was perfect.

Both of us immediately headed towards it. We placed a towel on an open grassy spot right next to the clear stream. You could see fish swim right by us.

We lay down and locked hands. We gazed into the trees that surrounded the sky.

Neither of us talked for a few minutes. Nobody wanted to ruin the beautiful moment.

But after a while, things start to get boring when all there is is silence.

Good thing Gerard talked first, because I hate breaking silences.

"What's on your mind?" Gerard asked.

"Nothing, actually," I responded. "You?"

"Thinking about my younger brother, Mikey, and my mom. I miss them," he revealed.

"Tell me about them," I asked, gripping his hand tighter.

"Well, Mikey's a nerdy 18 year old. He's a senior in high school. And my mom, well, she's just doing what she can. That's all," he shared. His family seemed alright, but I still had one question that bothered me.

"Do you... have a dad? I questioned.

"He left," Gerard leaked. He sounded sad, as if he were bringing back memories he didn't want to.

"I'm sorry," I turned to him. "Mine did too."

He squeezed my hand and turned to me.

We got lost in each other's eyes. As the soothing noise of the water trickling down rocks, we closed our eyes, and went into a kiss.

This day couldn't have gotten better.


(A/N) hey guys! i know my posting schedule isnt great, and im sorry. its just that im so busy and then itll be 1 AM when i realize that i was supposed to write.
so uh, vote and comment and stuff. try and stay tuned for new chapters as well.

-laser candy

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