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It was Saturday morning. Gerard was pushing my shoulder lightly to try and wake me up.

"What?" I groaned, still have asleep. I rolled over and wrapped the covers over me.

"I have some good news!" Gerard exclaimed. "C'mon man!" He ripped the blanket off of me. I cringed into fetal position.

"Ugh," I grumbled. I rolled out of bed rubbed my face out.

I practically got no sleep for the last few nights, this whole Donna dilemma was driving me to the point of no return.

Gerard walked out of the bedroom and walked to the kitchen. He seemed so jolly.

The good news better be as good as it seems.

I slipped on a pair of plaid pajama pants over my boxers, and tucked on a white t-shirt. I headed out into the kitchen where I saw Gerard sitting on the counter, waving his feet around while drinking a cup of coffee. I decided to grab a cup too.

I leaned against the counter with the cabinets below it, and took a slurp of my coffee. "So what's the news?" I smiled.

"Well, first, Mikey got the girl!" he said cheerfully.

"That's great!" I exclaimed.

Gerard took another sip of his coffee. "I know, right! Okay, onto number two. My mom called."

I nearly spit my mouthful of coffee back into my cup. "What?"

"Yep. She uh, she wanted to go to dinner tonight. You, Mikey, her, and I. To be completely honest, I'm relieved."

"But wait... Why does she want to do this?" I asked.

Gerard set his cup down next to him. "She said she 'doesn't want to leave me' and she 'wants to adjust to us,' " he said in air quotes.

Finally, I can stop worrying.

"Well, yay!" I gasped. I walked a few steps forward to Gerard. "I'm happy for you."

Gerard smiled. He wrapped his legs around my waist and set a kiss on my lips. "So am I," he whispered.


"Do I look okay?" I asked Gerard, sitting on the bed behind me. I fixed my tie in the mirror.

"You look great," he said kindly. Gerard looked perfect, he was wearing a nice suit and tie. I wore a suit and tie, too, but it didn't compliment me like Gerard's attire complimented him.

I was so nervous for tonight.

First of all, we're going out. And god, do I hate going out. I feel like everyone is watching me or judging me with every muscle I move.

Second of all, if I blow this dinner, I'm screwed. This is so important for Gerard and I. If I say one wrong word, this whole thing can turn around.

Good thing I barely talk. This shouldn't be too hard, right?

Soon enough, Gerard and I were driving to the restaurant. We were meeting Mikey and Donna at some fancy Italian place.

I'm probably going to blow this. Make a fool out of myself. Something's probably going to go wrong. I can just feel it.

My mind is talking again. I can do this, no need to fear, Frank.

I should quit talking to myself, it's getting weird.

We parallel parked on the side of the road, lining up with a few other cars outside of the restaurant.

I'll Never Let Them Hurt You. (A Frerard Fanficton)Where stories live. Discover now