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I panicked when my phone vibrated and a new text massage popped up on my phone screen.

Another anonymous message.

"homo faggot. kill urself!!"

I leaped off the couch in a frenzy. I wanted to scream, but then I remembered I was with Gerard.

Everybody hates me. I am a worthless disgusting freak.

I panted and paced like a maniac.

I can't stay clean. The pain was getting to me. I need a razor, and I need it now.

I ran to the kitchen and flung every drawer and every cabinet open.

I found nothing.

All he had was knives. Kitchen knives.

I have nothing else to use, these will do.

I took a smaller knife out of the holder. My wrist was on the counter, and my hand was wobbling while I brought the knife down closer to my skin.

Tears fell out of my eyes rapidly. Everything was soaked in my own tears. From the kitchen counter to the floor.

I kept panting.

All of my scars were almost to the point of fading away.

Should I do this?

Before I could stop myself, blood was already running down my arm.

I had reopened the wound.


I woke up on the floor, with dried tears on my cheeks.

When I squinted my eyes open, I saw Gerard with glossy eyes, kneeling down right next to me.

"F-F-Frankie, why did you do this to yourself?" he cried. I felt my heart shrivel up. I, too, was nearly about to shed a tear. "I thought we had a promise."

Gerard sat up against the bottom cabinet doors of the kitchen next to where I was laying. He wiped off a tear with the back of his hand, before it could escape his eye. He put his hands up, and covered his face.

He wept.

I reached up and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and went to my messaging app. I showed him the two anonymous messages.

"I couldn't help it. I'm sorry," I mumbled. I shed a tear.

Gerard snatched my phone from my hands, and skimmed right through the messages.

"How could a human being live with themselves?" Gerard gasped.

"Those aren't the first messages I have gotten like that," I confessed. Gerard stared into my eyes. He was in disbelief. His lip quivered.

Remembering the other messages I have gotten in the past, my mind flooded with dark thoughts.

Maybe I should kill myself, if this is what everybody wants.

I tried to clear my head, but my mind was eating me alive.

"Just stay strong, Frank. You're not in this alone," Gerard encouraged. He got up from the floor. I did the same.

"H-hey, go clean up and get dressed for school. I'll fix us some cereal. I hope you like Frosted Flakes," he stuttered. He still seemed shooken up.

"Um, okay. But I'm not hungry, don't worry about me," I replied. I lost my appetite, there was no way I could eat anything.

"Oh, okay. I won't pester you," Gerard said in understanding.

I walked into the bathroom and opened up the shower. I turned the water on, threw my clothes onto the floor, and got in.

I wiped the hot, shower water onto my arm, washing off dry blood.

It hurt so bad.

I squealed out in pain.

"Everything okay in there?!" Gerard yelled.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine," I lied. He didn't need to be even more worried about me.

After I washed my hair and soaped my body, I picked up the towel and scruffed my hair with it.

I rewore my clothes from yesterday. They didn't smell bad. Plus, I wasn't impressing anybody. Everybody at school hates me no matter what.

I went out into the kitchen and saw Gerard eating his cereal with a cup of coffee. "You're looking good," he smiled. He took a sip of his coffee.

"Thanks," I blushed.

Gah, I'm such a softie.

"We should get going. You need to get to school," Gerard said getting up from his chair. He placed his empty bowl into the sink.

"School," I muttered under my breath. I was going to have to face everybody. They all new about Gerard and I.

Wow, I can't wait to be criticized and beat up all day.


Gerard dropped me off at school about five minutes ago. So far, nobody has spoken to me.

But this changed once I got to my locker.

I kneeled down and started putting my combination in when Jessica Walsh appeared at the corner of my eye.

"Wow, are you a gay slut or what!" Jessica snickered. "You're such a fag! You should die! Mr. Way would be the only one who cares, anyway!" Her whole posse laughed.

But she was right. He would be the only one who would care.

"You're right," I said. "He would be the only one who would care."

I grabbed my books and slammed my locker shut. I ran upstairs before she could stop me.

I got into Ms. Kogan's room. Everybody gave me a death glare. Especially Ms. Kogan.

She was obviously degrading me in her head. There was no lie behind it.

Everybody knew I had something with Gerard. There was absolutely no hiding anything.

After first period came second. There was going to be a substitute, great.

I walked into Mr. Way's room and saw a brown haired, middle aged woman standing at the front of the room. She was smiling ear to ear until I walked in. Her smile disappeared.

"Oh. You must be Frank Eye-yar-ee-oh," she asked mispronouncing my last name.

"Yeah," I replied. "Anything wrong?"

"No. But they told me about you, so I wanted to make sure who I was dealing with," she revealed.


Did that mean students or teachers?

Dealing with?

What a biotch.

I dreaded all of second period for the first time ever.

The rest of the day was exactly the same. All of my teachers gave me glares and the students made fun of me.

One group of jocks even beat me up at lunch.

If this was a bad day for me, how will Gerard's first day back be?

I can only imagine what horrors awaited him and I for the upcoming days.


(A/N) hey guys! so i tried to make this chapter a bit longer for you. i feel like all of my chapters have been really short lately. this isnt even that long either. anyway, don't forget to vote & comment! all of your feedback really helps me out!

-laser candy

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