Chapter 18. Papa Stilinski and Peter Hale

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Stop crying, I mentally scolded myself as I pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes. Why the hell would she do this? I know that she has been kind of a shitty parent since my dad passed but seriously? Hooking up with my damn Chemistry teacher? The one teacher that is giving me the hardest time and that I can't stand! The worst part of this is that I don't have a single person to tell this to, because Lydia has currently cut me out of her life and she is the only person that I would talk about my mom to. 

I'm sitting in my car in the school parking lot crying like an idiot because I can't get a handle on my emotions. It's so pathetic and cliche that I won't to throw up. I very well may throw up too, the image of my mom lip-locked with Mr. Harris is still very fresh in my mind and it's making me nauseous.

A total of five minutes passed before I finally stopped blubbering like that Youtube star Chloe's sister after she was told that they were going to Disneyland or Disney world, one of the two. With a sigh, I slid out of my car and made my way towards the lacrosse field. The only thing that is giving me some glimmer of hope is the fact that I will get to Stiles finally be able to play. I know that he's wanted to be able to play for so long, hell-- I've watched him ride the bench for months, and tonight is finally his night to do it.

The walk to the field was cold and depressing. Who am I even going to sit with? Lydia is going to ignore me and Allison is probably going to sit with her, even though she shouldn't because Lydia made out with her boyfriend, but whatever. 

People were already screaming and chanting as the two teams warmed up. My eyes searched the field and sideline for Stiles, but I couldn't seem to find him. Well, he did say that he may be running a bit late, I just hope he makes it on time. 

My feet carried me to the third row of benches in the bleachers before I saw an opening and sat down. When I glanced over to see who I was sitting next to, my eyes widened considerably. Sheriff Stilinski was smiling warmly as he recognized me, of course I would end up sitting by Stiles' dad. It's not like there are other places for me to sit or anything.

"Uh, hey. Do you mind if I sit here, or were you saving a seat?" I asked awkwardly. 

He shook his head from side to side, "No, no. It's fine. You're Kennedy, right?" 

I rose an eyebrow, "Yeah.. uh, have we ever actually introduced ourselves before?" I chuckled nervously. I don't recall ever actually saying that my name was Kennedy to Sheriff Stilinski, but I could be wrong.

"No, I mean-- at least I don't think so. I've just heard a lot about you." He responded with a nod and a faint smile.

"I'm going to assume that they're not bad things.." I remarked awkwardly. How would he have heard things about me? I don't do anything particularly important in the town, nor have I ever been arrested or anything.

Sheriff Stilinski smiled again, "Stiles talks about you a lot, is what I meant. Ever since I told him about the kind young woman to help me up after I got hit by a car in the parking lot, he knew instantly who I was talking about and then I realized that you're the girl." 

With the way that he said I was the girl, I couldn't help but blush and look out onto the field. I had no idea that Stiles talked about me. We have only been working on this whole friendship thing for about two weeks now, how much can he say in 14 days? I wonder if he told his dad that I asked him to the dance earlier today? 

"So, um... is being the town Sheriff as cool of a job as it looks?" I asked in attempt to change the subject. 

He chuckled as he began to tell me different perks of working the Force and how it has really helped me better himself as an overall person. 

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