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there were a lot of people for jackson and hyeri's engagement party. i walked downstairs to see many familiar faces. the boys of course, some jyp staff and artist. many of jacksons friends and relatives. hyeri's family.

i knew everyone who was here, but i was really shy. i stood by marks side. "you think the loudness would wake jieun up?" i shook my head. "it's fine. eomma and appa are there." he held my hand. "mark? minjae?" my eyes widen. "mina?" she came up and hugged me. "i would have never thought to see you both." she patted mark on the shoulders. "i'm proud, you got her in the end."

mark ruffled my hair. "she was always mine." i rolled my eyes. "how have you been?" i asked. we sat down, "busy here busy there. i've taken over my fathers company. i wish i hadn't. how about you?" mark excused himself, he wanted to grab jinyoung. "busy being a wife and mother i guess."

mark came back with jinyoung. "you remember each other, right?" jinyoung froze. "we'll leave you two." mark pulled me away and pushed jinyoung next to mina.

"you're evil."

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