Chapter Eleven

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"Are you sure about this?" Lorna asked hesitantly. "I mean, Emma’s working…"

We were currently standing outside the doors that lead you into the cinema I used to work at, looking at Emma whilst she served a customer cheerily. I suggested to Lorna we go see a movie and only realised she was working when we got here.

"She shouldn’t have to stop us from seeing a movie." I said sternly.

"Have you talked to her since?"


"Oh. That’s awkward then."

"Well I couldn’t handle being just friends with her! I would just fantasise about kissing her every god damned time."

"Do you do that with me?" Lorna asked.

Yes. Every fucking second. Yes. I even imagine marrying you. Having your children and growing old with you.

"No." I said. "Way to make it awkward, Lorna…."

She laughed. “I’m just kidding! That would be weird. I say you go talk to her. Ask her how she’s been.”

Oh. We would be weird?

I sighed and opened the glass doors. Emma looked up at the sound of another customer entering and her face fell as soon as she saw it was me and Lorna. She pretended to look at the drink station and I stopped about a metre away from her counter and acted like I was deciding on a movie.

Then Lorna pushed me and I literally crashed into Emma’s counter.

"Um…hi, Niall." Emma said, backing away from the counter a bit.

"Oh hey." I said casually. "How’s it going?"

"I’m okay I guess." She peered behind my shoulder at Lorna, who was busy looking at a movie poster, and frowned before looking back at me. "Would you like to see a movie?"

"I would. Any recommendations?"

Taylor’s Bucket List is good.”

"We’ve seen that."


I nodded awkwardly.

"Are you two together then?" Emma asked bluntly.

"Me and Lorna? Oh no. We’re just best friends." I replied, looking down at my hands.

"Oh, I see. Does she have a boyfriend or something?"

I looked up. “No?”

"Something wrong with her?"

"What do you mean?" I snapped.

"Well, why aren’t you dating?" She hissed.

"Because we’re happy just being friends." I hissed back. 

"She doesn’t like you does she?"

"Look, I don’t see what this has to do with anything and why it’s your business, but Lorna and I are great friends, nothing more. I’ll have two tickets to the puppet movie thing about animals or whatever. Thanks." I snapped.

Emma scowled but punched something into the computer, waiting for our tickets to be printed out. “$20 thanks.”

I handed it to her, she snatched it.

"Enjoy the movie." Emma said sourly.

"I will." I replied, taking the tickets. "Enjoy your day."

"I will."

I walked over to Lorna and she looked at me expectantly. “Well?”

"We’re not really on the best of terms…" I said.

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