Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Seriously, I hate this. Can we just go home?" Noah whined from the top step on the ladder.

"No! Now hurry up!"

"I can't get over!" He yelled back. "Fuck this."

"If you don't climb over, I will just throw you over. You know I will."

"Okay! I'm moving! Shit..."

There was a few more groans and curses from Noah before he safely landed on the other side of the fence and into the main part of the zoo.

" quietly. Not like my elephant entrance. There's a security guard near me." I heard Noah yell quietly.

"How close?" I asked as I climbed up the ladder steps.

"Er, quite a distance. But if you make a really loud noise, he'll see us."

I nodded to myself. "Okay, I'm climbing over the fence. Where are you?"



"Okay, okay. I'm right under you. Don't bloody land on me or I swear-"

"Where? Noah, I can't see you. Shine a light."

There was a slight noise of someone rummaging around in their pockets and suddenly a light from his phone shone up at me. "See me now?" He asked.

"Yup. Okay, I'm coming down. Shit, it's a pretty low jump..."

"Yeah, I know right. Like, I'm currently on the ground bleeding to death and-"

I rolled my eyes and swung my legs over the fence before leaping off. I landed on the ground hard, my ankle throbbing. "AH-" I screamed.

Noah clamped his hand over my mouth. "Shut up! Security guard, right there."

I was desperately trying to not burst into tears at the pain in my ankle when Noah took his hand off my mouth. He shone his phone to the right of him and then the left. "You okay?"

"I will be. Uh....where should we go first?"

He bit his lip in thought. "Lions."


"Did you know that the word 'hippo' came from the Greek language meaning horse and they used to be called river horses?" Noah told me as we stood outside the hippo exhibit. The lion one was closed and we couldn't get into the actual watching room.

"I did not know that." I replied. "Thanks. I do now."

He laughed. "Lorna told me." He smiled to himself. "We were reading books in the library and Lorna found a book all about hippo facts and she was reading them out to me when she told me that this one was really important and that I should write it down, so when I asked why, she replied 'what if one day you go on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and they ask you this question as your million dollar answer' and well, I've never forgotten the fact. It's a good pick up line."

I laughed. "Did you know that there's a hippo called Gloria in the movie Madagascar?"

He laughed again. "I did actually! Shit, I loved that movie."

"Melman was my favourite." I grinned.

"Oh god, yes. But come on, what about King Julian?"

I burst out laughing. "Yes! He was by far the best. His hat..."

"His voice."

"His sayings!"

"Sssh! Be quiet! Who's making that noise!? SHUT UP!'s me." Noah said in a mock accent of King Julian.

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