Laura was woken up with someone planting small kissed on her cheeks down to her neck. She moaned. "Baby.."

"Good morning..." the man whispered huskily.

An image of his lover's bestfriend came to her mind. It can't be, she's sure enough Hiro won't allow this guy to enter their bedroom. Hiro is way too possessive. 

"No wonder Takashi is obsessed over you." said the man who continued pecking her neck down to her bare chest. 

She felt as if a bucket of cold water was poured on her on what he said. Oh my Gosh! 

She immediately pushed the guy who was over her and saw a smirking Cain Motgomery. She felt thirsty upon seeing him. He was wearing sweatpants and is topless.

"How did you enter?" Her heartbeat became irregular. She isn'sur eif it was because of fear or excitement. And she is not sure why she is excited upon seeing him. But she doesn't want Cain to notice what she felt.

"Hiro would be very furious." She warned the guy but the latter just laughed and sat on the sofa in front of the ed where they slept a while ago. They stared at each other. No one wants to withdraw, no one wants to stop.

"Trust me, he wouldn't know. You don't want to be cut off from your allowance, right?" He mocked.

He was taunting her, that very much was clear and she hates it. She hates it because she knows he's holding  her. She knows she cannot let go of Hiro because she wasn't done yet and she hasn't spoiled herself that much yet and it's more dangerous when Hiro himself would leave her. 

"What do you want then?" She smirked and removed the blanket that covers her nudity. She saw Cain stare at her but she felt insulted when the guy stood and laughed his heart out. 

"Damn, woman. You really think I was captivated by your beauty? To tell you honestly, you are just another pretty face. It would take more than that to pique my interest." he said and left her. 

She was offended on what he said. She felt as if the guy stepped her pride. How dare he? She thought. She stood and walked on the closet while stomping and dressed up.


As soon as Cain left the pad, his fake smirk that was plastered on his face was gone. He grabbed his hair. He was lying. He was really captivated by his best friend's girlfriend. But he need to work on his plan. And that plan is to get Laura's feelings. This might hurt his friend but he needs to do it for his friend's sake. 

He knows every kind of wicked and that woman is the epitome of the phrase wickedly beautiful. He also knows how to bring herself and ow to put men on her hands. And he cares for Hiro, the way an older brother cares for his younger brother. He doesn't want to see him lose everything just because of that woman. His friend fought so hard to prove that he was more than a shadow of his family's wealth. 

Why was he in Hiro's house?

Ah, yes. He remembered. His plan is to seduce Laura but when he saw her laying on her bed, naked, he wasn't able to stop his needs. He even felt his pants tighten and it irritates the hell out of him. 

He went to the kitchen and looked for something to eat. He used to do this before, he goes here and acts as if it's his own house, Hiro too, when he's at his home. They are the best buddies but polar opposites in attitude.

"You're sill here," it was not a question but a statement. He looked at who spoke. It was Laura wearing nothing but a towel that's way too small for her tall and slender body. 

"Yes," he said. The woman just nodded before coming closer to her. Cain felt his pants tighten more and his throat dry up.

Laura came in closer and leaned to get something that's behind him. He felt her chest on him and he had smelt her scent. He held on to the counter tightly. Trying hard in avoiding himself to kiss Laura.

 "Finally," the woman said. Innocently saying her heart out after what she had done. The woman looked at her and offered her Nutella. "You want some? "

Yes, and I'll place it all over you. Is what he wanted to say but he shook his head and resumed in looking for something to eat. He never mind the moans that he heard from the woman.

"Oh my, this is so good." he heard Laura exclaimed.

He looked at her. "Why? Is it your first time eating that? With all those filthy rich men you have leeched out, they weren't able to buy you a Nutella? Pity." he said ans smirked to hide the need  that he's feeling. He should be the one seducing her not the one being seduced by her.

Laura on the other hand, annoyingly placed the Nutella on the tables and stoop to walk-out. When the woman was gone, he exhaled a deep breath. 

That was close. So close.

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