She was hungry. She didn't know how long it has been since Hiro beat her to death and locked her up. Was cain looking for her? She hoped so. Her body was aching all over and she doesn't know where to ask for help. Her head was aching too. 

She thinks this is her karma for hurting those guys she had a relationship with before. Destroying them emotionally and financially, leaving them broken and lost. It was like Hiro was the one who'll avenge them.

The door creaked as if someone wants to come inside. She knew it was Hiro but part of her wished it was Cain.  For the first time in her adult life, she wants, need even, to be saved.

She saw Hiro entered the room with a food in his hand. Her stomach made some grumbling noises, a sign that she was famished. The room was quiet so it was easy for Hiro to hear her grumbling stomach. He smirked and sat in the chain in front of her.

"You're hungry." He mused. She didn't answer for it was too obvious. But he was offended, "Answer me!"

"Do I have to? You heard my stomach, Hiro. You know the answer." She answered weakly. As if enchanted, Hiro smiled at her. A smile he used to give her before. A smile that looks so innocent and pure. But now that she stared at him intently, she realized his smile was no fake. It didn't have the innocence it had before. His smile was lethal, like he was thinking of something wicked and would hurt her.

She almost cried when he started eating in front of her. He was being plain rude. He knew she was starving and yet he decided to eat in front of her only throwing her the bones and leftovers like she was some cat in the alley. Her tears started to fall but she saw no guilt in his eyes. Inf act, he was ecstatic to see her miserable.

"Eat that. Eat that like the dirty dog you are." He stated then laughed as if her situation was a joke.

She choked her sobs and was left with no other choice but to eat his leftovers that would pass as a food for pigs in the pen. She was pitiful sight. She started to eat everything in the plate, she was so disgusted but she was starving. She knew she had to endure everything to survive.

Hiro lost his fake smile while watching his ex-girlfriend eat trash. His heart was aching for her but he was way too hurt to even care. She deserves it. He says but as he watch her eat everything he was hurting even more.

But this woman does not deserve his kindness. She deserved to be treated cruelly. She toyed him and his best friend, Cain. After giving her whatever she wanted, this is how she repays him? By betraying him with his friend? His best friend whom he treated like a brother.

It was the deepest cut of all. If only it was some other man and not Cain.


"Find her! And make sure you do everything you can!" Cain roared at his body guards. He was tired, frustrated and so damn worried. Laura has been gone for weeks now and there no new of where she went.

He asked Hiro for Laura's location but Hiro only said, "If she left without a warning then you have been toyed, brother. Welcome to the club."

He badly wanted to believe that Laura left him but it was near to impossible. He knew her better now. He knew she wouldn't leave without saying a word to him. And he's confident about that.

When his body guards went out of his office, he sat on his swivel chair, feeling exhausted all of a sudden. It was like the week's events were crawling up on his shoulders. It was not helping that Laura's gone missing.

He didn't want to acknowledge it but he feels as if Hiro was behind all this. It was too impossible for Laura to get past him without him knowing where she is. Hiro was obsessed over Laura and he wouldn't let her wander off alone.

He immediately called his ex-Navy friend, Marco Pacini. "Please help me." He started.

Marco on the other line exhaled loudly, "I can't believe this, am I receiving a call from a different person?"

"I'm serious, my girl's gone missing for weeks now and I'm so damn worried." He stated seriously.

Marco on the other hand had the audacity to laugh at him full blown. Marco cursed while laughing. "I can't believe this! Cain Montgomery is worried over a girl! Damn, man! I never knew I would live up to this time."

"I don't have time for you jokes, Pacini. I'm going crazy looking for my girl and yet there you are laughing at me."

As if for the first time, Marco Pacini realized the seriousness of the situation. "If you called me, then you have somebody in mind."

"Yes. Hiro Takashi."

Marco Pacini cursed once more, "Your best bud?"

He went silent for a while, "Yes." He was afraid to admit it but the clues are so obvious it was so hard to miss.

"I'll do what I can, hope I can help, buddy." Then the line went dead.

Laura, where are you?

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